Adjective for Class 1

Table of Content

  • Definition of Adjectives
  • Examples of Adjectives
  • Types of Adjectives or Describing Words
  • FAQ's
  • Definition of Adjectives

    Look at the given image below:

    Examples of Adjective

    The above bold words like beautiful, tall and strong are called adjectives.
    Adjectives are words that are used to describe the number, quantity or quality of something or someone. They are also known as describing words.

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    Examples of Adjectives

    Adjective - Bright Sun Adjective - Tigers in the zoo

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    Adjective - Six year old boy

    To Read About Adjectives for Class 2: Click here

    Types of Adjectives or Describing Words

    1. Words that Describe Quality

    Adjectives also known as describing words are used to describe the quality of something or someone.

    Examples :

    → This painting is very beautiful..
    → The cake was delicious.
    → Lisa is a hardworking student.
    → The brave puppy was barking at the big dogs.
    → He is kind and caring.


    2. Words that Describe Quantity

    Adjectives also describe the number or quantity of something.

    Examples :

    → You have to bring five books to school every day.
    → I have two siblings.
    → I have to work six days a week.
    → All the cars have four wheels.
    → Ronald has won three medals in school.



    1. What is an adjective for class 1?

    Answer: Words that are used to describe quantity or quality of something or someone are called adjectives.

    2. What are the examples of adjectives?

    Answer: Examples of adjectives are intelligent, smart, hardworking, green, healthy. Usage of few adjectives used in sentences are given below:

    1. Lily is strong.
    2. I have three puppies.
    3. Harry is a lazy boy.

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