Worksheet on Singular and Plural for Class 1

Choose the correct plural for the highlighted words:

1. Fiona got a toy as her birthday gift from her grandfather.

a) toyes, gifted
b) toys, gifts
c) toies, gfties
d) toy, gift

Answer: b)

2. The patient was sitting on a couch.

Patient for Class 1

a) patients, couches
b) patient, couch
c) patientes, coucheies
d) patienties, couchyies

Answer: a)

3. The bus arrived an hour late at the bus stop.

a) busies, houres
b) busses, houries
c) buses, hours
d) bus, hour

Answer: c)

4. This is the country where I was born and this is the city where I live currently.

a) countries, cites
b) countries, citieses
c) countries, cities
d) countries, cittees

Answer: c)

5. This truck was loaded by this labourer.

Truck for Class 1

a) trucks, labourers
b) trucks, labories
c) trucks, laborious
d) truck, labourer

Answer: a)

6. This is the tallest tree in my neighbourhood and that is the thorniest bush I have ever seen.

a) treeses, bushies
b) trees, bushs
c) trees, bushes
d) treeses, bushses

Answer: c)

7. I have brought chocolate for you in this golden box.

Chocolates in Boxes for Class 1

a) chocolaties, boxes
b) chocolates, boxies
c) chocolats, boxes
d) chocolates, boxes

Answer: d)

8. The river and the mountain together created a beautiful natural scenery.

River and Mountain for Class 1

a) rivers, mountains, sceneres
b) river, mountains, scenery
c) rivers, mountains, sceneries
d) riveries, mountainses, scenery

Answer: c)

9. I got a book issued from my school library.

Library for Class 1

a) bookes, libraries
b) books, libraries
c) book, library
d) bookies, libraries

Answer: b)

10. A sheep is not like a fox; they are different.

a) sheepes, foxs
b) sheeps, foxies
c) sheeps, foxes
d) sheep, foxes

Answer: d)

11. What is the plural form of child? (CREST 2021-22)

Child for Class 1

a) childs 
b) childrens
c) children 
d) kiddies

Answer: c)

12. My cat likes to chase its tail. 

Cat for Class 1

a) catses 
b) catz 
c) cats 
d) cat 

Answer: c) 

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate plural words: 

13. We can see many colourful ________ in the garden. (butterfly)

Butterfly for Class 1

a) butterflies
b) butterflieses 
c) butterfliez
d) butterfly 

Answer: a)

14. There are many ______ flying in the sky. (bird)

Bird for Class 1

a) birdz 
b) birdses 
c) bird 
d) birds

Answer: d)

15. Alice and Scarlet are ______. (sister)

Sister for Class 1

a) sisteres 
b) sisters 
c) sisterz 
d) sister 

Answer: b) 

16. Chris lost his key to the main door somewhere in the backyard. Mother thinks that the key to the almirah was also along with it. What is the plural form of the word 'Key'? (CREST 2022-23)

Key for Class 1

a) keys
b) keyes 
c) keyies 
d) keyis 

Answer: a)

Choose the correct plural for the highlighted word:

17. We like to eat berries for breakfast during the morning. 

Berries for Class 1

a) berries
b) berrys
c) berry
d) barry

Answer: c) 

18. My grandpa wears glasses to read the newspaper.

Glasses for Class 1

a) glassesez 
b) glassez 
c) glasses 
d) glass 

Answer: d) 

19. We can write with pencils or pens

Pencils or pens for Class 1

a) pencilz, penz 
b) pencilses, penses
c) pencils, pen
d) pencil, pen

Answer: d) 

20. What is the plural form of lady? (CREST 2023-24)

Lady for Class 1

a) ladies 
b) ladys
c) ladyes 
d) ladyies

Answer: a)

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