CREST English Olympiad Class 9 Sample Paper

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Section 1: Synonyms, Antonyms, Analogies and Spellings, One Word, Word Order, Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Adverbs, Adjectives, Articles, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Punctuations, Jumbled Words, Voices, Concord, Question Forms, Tenses, Conditionals, Modals, Reported Speech, Collocations, Phrasal Verbs, Idioms, Homonyms and Homophones, Words (Related to Social Cause, Travel, Workplace, etc.), Information Retrieval from Various Text (Flyers, Classifieds, Dictionaries, Instruction Manuals, Messages, Editorials, Essays, etc.), Spoken and Written Expressions (Giving Advice, Stating Preferences, Discussing Probability, Making an Offer, etc.)

Achievers Section: Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Section 1

Please note that the dictionary which will be used for reference is Oxford Learner's Dictionary. This will be w.r.t. spellings & meanings. In case, if the word is not found in this dictionary, then it is assumed that this word does not exist.

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10


Fill in the blank with the correct option:

He decided to __________ across the country, relying on the kindness of strangers for rides along the way.


Fill in the blanks with the correct options:

The scent of freshly baked bread _________ the entire neighbourhood, ________ everyone with its inviting aroma.


Choose the correct meaning of the highlighted expression from the given options:

Once I couldn't help a friend due to some unavaoidable circumstances. Since then, she has turned a cold-shoulder towards me.


From the given options, choose the correct option to complete the given idiom:

Despite being a small startup, the company managed to ________________ by securing partnerships with industry giants.


Rearrange the given sentences into a meaningful sequence. The first and last sentence are already aligned for you:

1 : Printing is a device for multiplying what is written by making copies of it.
P : A printing press is a mechanical device for applying pressure to an
Q : Inked surface resting upon a print medium (such as paper or cloth)
R : Thereby transferring the ink. It marked a dramatic improvement on earlier printing
S : Methods in which the cloth, paper or other medium was brushed or rubbed repeatedly
6 : To achieve the transfer of ink, and accelerated the process.


Choose an appropriate relative pronoun for the given sentence, where one option fits both the blanks:

_____ discovered America? There are several theories as to _____ “discovered” America — some more substantiated than others.


From the given options, choose the word which can be used as a substitute for the given sentence:

What do you term : Who behaves without moral principles, __________.


Read the following passage and answer the question(s):

Jeffrey Preston Bezos is the founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Amazon, the world's largest online retailer.

Bezos was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and raised in Houston, Texas. He graduated from Princeton University in 1986 with degrees in electrical engineering and computer science. He worked on Wall Street (a famous street in New York) in various related fields. He founded Amazon in late 1994 during a cross-country road trip from New York City to Seattle. The company began as an online bookstore and has expanded to include a variety of products and services, including video and audio streaming. It is currently the world's largest Internet sales online company as well as the world's largest provider of cloud infrastructure services via its Amazon Web Services arm.

Bezos is also the founder of Blue Origin, a company that aims to make space travel affordable to ordinary people. He always has his customers in mind, no matter what he is working on. His top priority is making it as available and easily accessible as possible.

Bezos also purchased ‘The Washington Post’ (an American daily newspaper published in Washington) in 2013. He was named the "richest man in modern history" after his net worth increased to $150 billion in July 2018.

What is Blue Origin?


Read the following passage and answer the question(s):

Jeffrey Preston Bezos is the founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Amazon, the world's largest online retailer.

Bezos was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and raised in Houston, Texas. He graduated from Princeton University in 1986 with degrees in electrical engineering and computer science. He worked on Wall Street (a famous street in New York) in various related fields. He founded Amazon in late 1994 during a cross-country road trip from New York City to Seattle. The company began as an online bookstore and has expanded to include a variety of products and services, including video and audio streaming. It is currently the world's largest Internet sales online company as well as the world's largest provider of cloud infrastructure services via its Amazon Web Services arm.

Bezos is also the founder of Blue Origin, a company that aims to make space travel affordable to ordinary people. He always has his customers in mind, no matter what he is working on. His top priority is making it as available and easily accessible as possible.

Bezos also purchased ‘The Washington Post’ (an American daily newspaper published in Washington) in 2013. He was named the "richest man in modern history" after his net worth increased to $150 billion in July 2018.

What is meant by CEO?


Fill in the blank with the correct option:

The old computer might be slow, but if it ________, don’t fix it; it still gets the job done.

Your Score: 0/10

Answers to Sample Questions from CREST Olympiads:


English Olympiad Questions for Class 9

1. Select the correct type of pronoun for the highlighted word given in the sentence:

I hurt myself badly in an accident. 

a) Reflexive pronoun
b) Emphatic pronoun
c) Demonstrative pronoun
d) Indefinite pronoun

Answer: a

2. Choose the right word/phrase that completes the sentence:

I ______wait a little longer if I were you.

a) will
b) should
c) ought to
d) must

Answer: b

3. Choose the suitable phrase for each blank:

I am happy you are helping me with the assignment. This kind of work is not really my ________.

a) cup and sauce
b) cup of tea
c) cup of coffee
d) tea cup

Answer: b

4. Choose the suitable phrase for each blank:

The discussion was by no means __________. It went on for more than four hours!

a) cut and dried
b) chopped and dried
c) cut and shredded
d) dried and cut

Answer: a

5. Fill in the blank with the correct modal verb:

Genius does what it must, and talent does what it ______.

a) Can
b) Would
c) May
d) Should

Answer: a

6. Choose the right word/phrase that can complete the given sentence:

What are you laughing at? There is nothing ____ about it.

a) true
b) false
c) lame
d) funny

Answer: d

7. Choose the correct spelling of the word:

a) Believe
b) Beleive
c) Believ
d) Beleev

Answer: a

8. Fill in the blank with the correct word/phrase:

He will be back tomorrow; I’ll give him the message as soon as I ____ him.

a) watch
b) see
c) touch
d) play with

Answer: b

9. Choose the correct phrase:

a) Down and up
b) Down and out
c) Down and town
d) Out and down

Answer: b

10. Fill in the blank with the correct word/phrase:

Maria _______, but Johnny felt her disappointment.

a) would not have complained
b) did not complain
c) will not complain
d) did not complain

Answer: b

11. Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue:

Teacher to Student : I thought you had been doing your homework regularly. Why are you still so irregular with your work?

a) I will let your parents know that you have failed this year.
b) I’m afraid, at this rate, I’ll have to give you a ‘D’ grade.
c) I’m expecting you to earn a ‘D’ grade.
d) I think you will do well this year.

Answer: b

12. Given below are sets of two sentences. Both sentences may be right or both wrong or one of the two may be right. Select the correct option:

P: Tina and Karan are married and he has been married for 20 years
Q: Everyone forgot their notebook

a) Both P and Q are right
b) Both P and Q are wrong
c) Only P is right
d) Only Q is right

Answer: b

13. Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue:

Manasa : Vinu, it’s the maths class now! l forgot to bring my book.

a) Could you share your book with me today?
b) Look here! Give me that book of yours!
c) Can I buy a maths book?
d) Could I borrow your maths notebook, please?

Answer: a

14. The small city they live in is enough _________, but I’d find it a bit boring after a while.

a) satisfied
b) contented
c) winning
d) pleasant

Answer: b

15. Fill in the blank with the correct modal:

Genius does what it must and talent does what it______.

a) Can
b) Would
c) May
d) Should

Answer: a

16. When you were little, what time ________?

a) did you have to go to bed
b) have you to go to bed
c) did you must go to bed
d) must you go to bed

Answer: a

17. Choose the right word:

‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’ are the little courtesies by which we keep the _____ of life oiled and running smoothly.

a) river
b) garden
c) path
d) machine

Answer: d

18. Choose the most suitable option to complete the dialogue:

Principal: Mr Mathew, the Annual Day’s coming up. I’ve been wondering whom to invite as our chief guest this year. Do you have any suggestions?


a) Who? Me? I haven’t a clue. How would I know anybody important enough?
b) Well, I don’t really know anyone. But I can find out. I’ll ask Mrs Organza.
c) Why are you making such a fuss, sir? You’ll find someone. You know so many important people.
c) Oh, there must be lots of people simply dying to be asked. Should be no problem at all.

Answer: b

19. Choose the correct option:

Disaster management ____________ that the areas are mapped beforehand.

a) is requires
b) requires
c) required
d) is required

Answer: b

20. Give the synonym of the word underlined in the sentence below:

Weird noises came from the haunted house.

a) Beastly
b) Unpleasant
c) Unnatural
d) Frightening

Answer: c

21. Choose the correct option:

“I am happy to inspire so many people,
______________ women and mothers,” said Mary Kom.

a) and
b) special
c) especially
d) also

Answer: c

22. Fill in the blank:

My grandfather was 95 when he _______.

a) has died
b) Had died
c) Died
d) Was dying

Answer: c

23. Choose a suitable phrase for the blank:

I am happy you are helping me with the assignment. This kind of work is not really my ________.

a) cup and sauce
b) cup of tea
c) cup of coffee
d) tea cup

Answer: b

24. Identify the qualitative adjective in the given sentence:

John takes great pleasure in reading novels.

a) Novels
b) Great
c) Pleasure
d) Reading

Answer: b

25. Choose suitable phrase for each blank:

The discussion was by no means __________. It went on for more than four hours!

a) cut and dried
b) chopped and dried
c) cut and shredded
d) dried and cut

Answer: a

26. In which one of the following sentences an article is wrongly inserted?

a) She is one of the beautiful girls in the class.
b) An umbrella is a useful thing.
c) Police are wandering to get hold of the culprit.
d) He was reputed as a honest person.

Answer: d

27. Fill in the blanks using the correct word.

A class full of very good students means ___________ failures for the teachers to worry about.

a) lesser
b) less
c) fewer
d) less than

Answer: c

28. Select most ‘suitable and correct’ options to fill in the blank.

The ________ water left in the well, had also dried up.

a) a little
b) few
c) a few
d) little

Answer: d

29. Choose the correct option.

Shiva: I think it’s really exciting to go to new places.
Teacher: What ____________ keep in mind if you are going to a new place?

a) do you have to
b) should you
c) have you to
d) must you have to

Answer: b

30. Fill in the blank with the correct word:

Can you find the ____ book in the world?

a) elder
b) oldest
c) eldest
d) older

Answer: b

31. Change the given direct sentence to indirect.

“Drive carefully!” Ram said to me.

a) Ram said to me drive carefully.
b) Ram ordered me drive carefully.
c) Ram told me to drive carefully.
d) None of the above.

Answer: c

32. Below given is a sentence in four parts. Find the part whichcontains a grammatical error:

1) Mona thought that
2) she would pass in the examination
3) although she didn’t answer
4) most of the questions correctly.

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

Answer: b

33. Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue:

Teacher to student: I thought you had been doing your homework regularly. Why are you still so irregular with your work?

a) I will let your parents know that you have failed this year.
b) I’m afraid, at this rate, I’ll have to give you a ‘D’ grade.
c) I’m expecting you to earn a ‘D’ grade.
d) I think you will do well this year.

Answer: b

34. Fill in the blank:

My father went abroad when he ____ forty.

a) could
b) were
c) was
d) had

Answer: c

35. Choose the best word:

Disaster management ____________ that the areas are mapped beforehand.

a) is requires
b) requires
c) required
d) is required

Answer: b

36. The correct question tag of the following sentence will be:

Will you do this?

a) Will you?
b) Willn’t you?
c) Won’t you?
d) Shouldn’t you?

Answer: c

37. A _____ is a name given in common to every person or thing of the same class or kind.

a) collective noun
b) common noun
c) proper noun
d) abstract noun

Answer: b

38. Choose the verb from the sentence:
It has been raining all night

a) it has
b) has been raining
c) raining
d) none of these

Answer: b

39. Select most ‘suitable and correct’ options to fill the blank.

How __________ do you eat chocolate ?

a) rarely
b) frequently
c) often
d) easily

Answer: c

40. Find out the correctly spelt word:

a) Veteninary
b) Veterinary
c) Vetinary
d) Vetarinary

Answer: b

41. Select the correct article to fill in the blank:

________ Cholera has broken out in the village.

a) The
b) An
c) A
d) No article

Answer: d

42. Fill in the blank with correct word:

The only way we can get ___ this obstacle is to jump over it.

a) about
b) round
c) over
d) this

Answer: c

43. Select the most suitable phrasal verb to fill in the blank:

Never ___________. Try and try until you succeed.

a) give away
b) give up
c) give to
d) give for

Answer: b

44. Spot the error in the sentence:

a) Becoming a monitor
b) often means
c) to lose friend
d) No error

Answer: c

45. Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank:

Stacy : Since her last blunder, Leela doesn’t look me in the_______.
Helen: I know. You make her pay _________ for it.

a) shop, very much
b) park, very well
c) eye, through nose
d) bus, to boss

Answer: c

46. Select most ‘suitable and correct’ options to fill the blank:

The lady was _________ angry _______ irritated.

a) both, and
b) both, for
c) both, at
d) both, or

Answer: a

47. Select the options with correct transition from ‘Direct’ to ‘Indirect’ speech:

He will say to me, “He is my best friend.”

a) He will tell me that he is my best friend.
b) He will tell to me that I am his best friend.
c) He will tell me that he will be my best friend.
d) He will tell me that he has been my best friend.

Answer: a

48. Choose the correct phrase:

a) Down and up
b) Down and out
c) Down and town
d) Out and down

Answer: b

49. Antonym of instant is ___________.

a) immediate
b) later
c) never
d) for ever

Answer: b

The purpose of class 9 English Olympiad exam is to assess students' knowledge of numerous topics in the subject. Every student wants to do well in their tests, but in order to do so, they must devote a significant amount of time and effort to their studies. English Olympiad sample papers for class 9 are an excellent resource for students looking to improve their grades.

English Olympiad previous years’ question papers for class 9 are available for practice to students & can be downloaded from this page.

Answers to Sample Questions from CREST Olympiads:

Q.1 : c | Q.2 : a | Q.3 : b | Q.4 : a | Q.5 : c | Q.6 : d | Q.7 : b | Q.8 : d | Q.9 : a | Q.10 : c
