CREST English Olympiad Class 8 Sample Paper

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Section 1: Synonyms, Antonyms, Analogies and Spellings, Collocations, Phrasal Verbs, Idioms, Proverbs, Homonyms and Homophones, One Word, Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Adverbs, Adjectives, Articles, Prepositions, Prepositional Phrases, Participle Phrases, Conjunctions, Determiners, Jumbled Words, Punctuations, Tenses, Voices and Narrations, Question Tags, Words (Related to Leisure, Household Items/Issues, Social Causes, Outdoor Locations, Activities, etc.), Information Retrieval from Texts (News Reports, Blurb, Dictionaries, Instruction Manual Format, Messages, Editorials, Essays, etc.), Spoken and Written Expressions (Requesting, Giving Information, Expressing Surprise, Pronunciation, etc.)

Achievers Section: Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Section 1

Please note that the dictionary which will be used for reference is Oxford Learner's Dictionary. This will be w.r.t. spellings & meanings. In case, if the word is not found in this dictionary, then it is assumed that this word does not exist.

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10


Complete the sentence with the right expression:

Ashley: Hello. How’s everything?
Ken: ________________________


Read the text and fill in the blank:

Family Dollar was established in Charlotte, North Carolina in 1959 by a 21 year old entrepreneur named Leon Levine. He was interested in operating a low-overhead, self-service retail store. Levine’s main goal was to offer a variety of high quality merchandise to customers for under $2.00 (Family Dollar: History). If everything in the store wasn’t a dollar to begin with why did he name the store Family DOLLAR? The fact is that any person can be influenced in a different way just by the way someone words a sentence or phrase. A prime example of this is a Family Dollar store. The problem is that Family Dollar doesn’t sale everything in their store for a dollar, like a Dollar Tree does. Dollar Tree is seen to be one of the very few true dollar stores there is that sales everything for a dollar. The name of the store Family Dollar just catches everyone’s eye and makes them think that they are getting a better deal on the items they purchase there. The fact is that everyone who goes into the store is thinking that generally everything in the store is going to be a dollar, but it’s not. That is the purpose of the usage of words in the title of the store. Dollar General is also another store that has the same usage of words in their store name to make their customers think the same way. Every customer is baited into thinking that everything in the store is going to be a dollar but in the end their thoughts will be different.

This kind of word usage is a part of businesses everywhere around the world. It is known as cognitive grammar. Cognitive grammar is known to influence people by making them think something you want them to think.

The names Family Dollar and Dollar General are ____________.


Choose the most appropriate option to replace the quoted words:

There is an ATM near the entrance. The store is on Main Street. "All most " in town shops at Dave’s.


Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate option:

They _____ fighting yesterday and all of a sudden they became close again. I think they _____ advised by their parents.


Fill in the blank using a suitable preposition:

I heard that he died ___ a cardiac arrest.


Fill in the blank using an appropriate verb:

Sequal ________ the announcement of the new fiscal policy is awaited by the industrial sector.


Choose the most appropriate option:

Though Samuel did not appear to be particularly ______, he was easily the ______ player in the entire team.


Find the correct option:

The ___________ betrayal by his trusted friend shattered his confidence in forming new relationships.


Choose the option with the same meaning as the idiom:

The young handsome man became the head of the department in his father's management. The job was handed to him "on a platter".


Fill in the blanks with suitable articles:

With his new promotion _____, Max went to London. He went to do his ______ higher studies but unfortunately he failed ______ in his exams.

Your Score: 0/10

Answers to Sample Questions from CREST Olympiads:


English Olympiad Questions for Class 8

1. Find out the relation between the given two words in capital letters and pick up one word proportionately from the options that bear the same relation:



Answer: BULB

2. Select the correct option for the underlined word in the given sentence:

A pebbled path was laid around the fountain.

a) Verb
b) Adverb
c) Adjective
d) Preposition

Answer: Adjective

3. Select the most suitable options to fill the blank:

The plane _________, when he reached the airport.

a) had landed
b) will be landing
c) is landing
d) lands

Answer: had landed

4. Find out the misspelt word:


Answer: TOUNGE

5. Fill in the blank: How _____ oranges did you put in the box?

a) much
b) big
c) so much
d) many

Answer: many

6. Choose ONE WORD from the options given below that matches the quoted words correctly:

He scolds everyone as if he is 'a man who does not makes any mistakes.'

a) Gullible
b) Infallible
c) Eccentric
d) Glutton

Answer: Infallible

7. Select most suitable option to fill the blank:

I was ___________ joking.

a) only
b) often
c) never
d) ever

Answer: only

8. Fill in the blank with the correct word from the options given below that makes the sentence meaningful:

The more you work _________ it is.

a) a better
b) the better
c) better
d) too better

Answer: the better

9. Select the most suitable option to fill the blank:

We wanted him ____________ the next day.

a) come
b) coming
c) came
d) to come

Answer: to come

10. Identify the antonyms of the words given in capital letters:


a) Slow
b) Rapid
c) Gust
d) Hurried

Answer: Slow

11. Choose the options correctly synthesising the sentences:

He studied very hard. He became a doctor.

a) He studied so hard that he would become a doctor.
b) He studied hard that he became a doctor.
c) He studied very hard and became a doctor.
d) He studied so hard that he will become a doctor.

Answer: He studied very hard and became a doctor.

12. Fill in the blank with the correct word from the options given below that makes the sentence meaningful:

He is _______ teacher.

a) a university
b) an university
c) university
d) the university

Answer: a university

13. Identify the kind of the sentence given below:

Let us have a walk.

a) Interrogative sentence
b) Imperative sentence
c) Optative sentence
d) Exclamatory sentence

Answer: Imperative sentence

14. Select correct options to replace the blanks:

Alan : Did the magician take a ______ out of a _____ ?
Sasha : No, no. He took out a _____ out of a _______.

a) habit, rat, rabbit, hat
b) hare, hat, habit, rat
c) habit, rat, rabit, hat
d) habbit, rat, rabbit, hat

Answer: habit, rat, rabbit, hat

15. Choose the correct form of the verb: I ____ (plan) to visit him today.

a) were planned
b) am planning
c) was planned
d) has planned

Answer: am planning

16. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions:

She leaned _____ the wall because she was tired.

a) Under
b) Against
c) Down
d) Above

Answer: Against

17. Choose the best option:

If a business person is called munificent, he/she is_________.

a) prominent
b) miserly
c) generous
d) rich

Answer: generous

18. Choose the correct ANTONYM of the bold words from the options:


a) Student
b) Enthusiast
c) Disciple
d) Follower

Answer: Follower

19. The thief walked away with the diamond crown on display. No one stopped him because he was _____ the director of the museum.

a) Contacting
b) Impersonating
c) Implanting
d) Contradicting

Answer: Impersonating

20. Select the correct synonym to the given word:


a) Gentle
b) Peaceful
c) Twisted
d) Colourful

Answer: twisted

21. Select the option that represents the correct meaning of the following idiom/phrase:

To fly off the handle

a) To take off
b) To be indifferent
c) To dislocate
d) To lose one's temper

Answer: To lose one's temper

22. Give the antonym of the word underlined in the given sentence:

He was a man of sulky disposition. 

a) Mild
b) Cheerful
c) Loving
d) Kind

Answer: Cheerful

23. Choose the noun: Derrick is running fast.

a) is
b) fast
c) running
d) Derrick

Answer: Derrick

24. A sentence that contains only one subject and one finite verb, expressed or understood is a:

a) Complex sentence
b) Compound sentence
c) Simple sentence
d) Imperative sentence

Answer: Simple sentence

25. One word for the sentence will be: A person of obscure background who has recently gained wealth:

a) Sumptuary
b) Extravagant`
c) Promiscuous
d) Parvenu

Answer: Parvenu

26. Fill in the blanks with suitable modals:

Ria: _____ I go to visit my friend in Vermont?
Father: No, you _____.

a) Can, cannot
b) May, may not
c) Might, might not
d) All of these

Answer: Can, cannot

27. Choose the correct option.

The transmission of the President's speech remained _____ interrupted.

a) mis
b) dis
c) un
d) non

Answer: un

28. Choose the most suitable option: Cheaper houses ____________ provided to workers by factory.

a) can be
b) could
c) might
d) will

Answer: can be

29. Choose the odd pair:

a) Annoy : Irritate
b) Comprehend : Understand
c) Spectator : Onlooker
d) Reserve : Supply

Answer: Reserve : Supply

30. Find out the collective noun from the given sentence: Fox wanted to eat a bunch of grapes.

a) wanted
b) bunch
c) fox
d) eat

Answer: bunch

31. Choose the word with opposite meaning to the underlined word:

The bee is a very industrious creature.

a) Hardworking
b) Indolent
c) Repulsive
d) Curious

Answer: Indolent

32. Find out the RELATION between the given two words in capital letter and pick up one word proportionately from the options that bear the same relation:

CLOTHES : CLOSET :: INK : _______

c) PEN

Answer: PEN

33. Sentences 1 and 3 are given. Sentence 2 is missing. Choose the right sentence for sentence 2:

Sony: Hema, I notice your tennis serve is much better these days.
Sonam: ______________________________.
Soniya: Your efforts have not been wasted. There is a remarkable improvement in your game.

a) Yes, I think I’ve finally mastered the technique, though it took months of practise
b) Serving well is an art that can be mastered
c) I saw a doctor because I was suffering from tennis elbow
d) In tennis, one has to focus on one’s serving action

Answer: Yes, I think I’ve finally mastered the technique, though it took months of practise

34. Choose the word which means the same as 'famous':

a) Popular
b) Introvert
c) Pedophile
d) Powerful

Answer: Popular

35. Choose the correct option:

The thief walked away with the diamond crown on display. No one stopped him because he was ___________ the director of the museum.

a) contracting
b) impersonating
c) implanting
d) contradicting

Answer: impersonating

36. Person working in same organisation

a) Colleague
b) Antagonist
c) Opposer
d) Detractor

Answer: Colleague

37. Fill in the blanks with the proper tense or form of the verb given in bracket:

I _________ the painting just now.

a) finished
b) had finished
c) finish
d) have Finished

Answer: Have Finished

38. A story in which animals or objects speak and give wholesome moral lesson

a) Allegory
b) Fable
c) Legend
d) Parable

Answer: Fable

39. We met a lot of people __________ our holidays.

a) On
b) In
c) During
d) At

Answer: During

40. Fill in the blank with correct word from the options given below that makes the sentence meaningful.

This cup of milk is ___________.

a) hot enough to drink
b) hot to drink
c) too hot to drink
d) to hot drink

Answer: hot to drink

41. Select correct options to replace the blanks:

Sonal : Mom, can you tell me how to make a two _____ cake ?
Mom : Ok. First mix the ingredients, some________,
sugar and baking soda in a_____as per requirement.

a) tyre, flour, boul
b) tire, flower, bowel
c) tier, flour, bowl
d) tired, floor, bole

Answer: tier, flour, bowl

42. Choose the correct article to fill in the blank: I'm in ___ hurry.

a) a
b) an
c) the
d) no article

Answer: a

43. Find out the misspelt word:


Answer: LEAGE

44. Change the voice of the sentence: He said to me, "They will hurt you".

a) He said to me that they will hurt me.
b) He said to me that he would be hurt me.
c) He said to me that they would hurt me.
d) He said to me that they would hurt you.

Answer: He said to me that they would hurt me.

45. Choose the odd one out: Puke, Nauseate, Vomit, Emit

a) Puke
b) Nauseate
c) Vomit
d) Emit

Answer: Emit

46. The thief walked away with the diamond crown on display. No one stopped him because he was ______ the director of the museum.

a) contacting
b) impersonating
c) implanting
d) contradicting

Answer: Impersonating

47. Choose the correct synonym for the word given in bold:

Lisa felt nostalgic upon seeing her hometown.

a) Solitary
b) Dreary
c) Lethargic
d) Sentimental

Answer: Sentimental

48. Dyna and Paul _____ for five years.

a) has been married
b) have been married
c) are married
d) is married

Answer: Have been married

49. A pronoun that stands for a person or thing is called a _____

a) personal pronoun
b) possessive pronoun
c) relative pronoun
d) reflexive pronoun

Answer: personal pronoun

50. Choose the correct pronoun for the subject of the given sentence: When can Derek and Drew come over to play?

a) Me
b) Him
c) Us
d) They

Answer: They

The CREST English Olympiad is a famously known exam conducted for students of class 8 to test their English pronunciation and grammatical knowledge. Since it is an internationally held examination scoring good marks and getting recognized adds up to students' academics and helps them to secure a good future. So, having a good preparation guide becomes more important. The CREST English Olympiad sample papers for class 8 help children to get an insight into the kind of questions included in the main exam and is the best way of preparation. You get enough time to practice English Olympiad questions before the examination. Therefore, the Olympiad exam preparation is never complete without practicing English Olympiad previous years’ question papers. This helps students understand the difficulty level of the questions, the amount of practice and proper understanding of each topic required to solve the given set of problems in the limited time and much more to secure better marks.

Answers to Sample Questions from CREST Olympiads:

Q.1 : c | Q.2 : a | Q.3 : c | Q.4 : b | Q.5 : a | Q.6 : b | Q.7 : a | Q.8 : b | Q.9 : c | Q.10 : a
