CREST English Olympiad Class 6 Sample Paper

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Section 1: Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Adverbs, Adjectives, Articles, Prepositions, Punctuation, Jumbled Words, Conjunctions, Tenses, Voices, Narration, Spellings, Collocations, Phrasal Verbs, Idioms, Words (Related to Everyday Problems, Relationships, Health and Medicine, Travel etc.), Information Retrieval from Various Text and Image (Brochures, Formal and Informal letters, Itinerary, Short Narratives, Time-tables, News Stories, Diary Entry, Poster Making, Messages etc.), Spoken and Written Expressions (Agreement and Disagreement, Requests, Refusals, Apologies, etc.)

Achievers Section: Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Section 1

Please note that the dictionary which will be used for reference is Oxford Learner's Dictionary. This will be w.r.t. spellings & meanings. In case, if the word is not found in this dictionary, then it is assumed that this word does not exist.

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10


Choose the correct option with right order of adjectives to fill in the blanks:

When you go to the store, can you buy _____ apples and also get _____ water to drink. We had ______ cups of coffee and there were only ______ chairs in the cafe.


Choose the most suitable option to fill in the blank:

When the book was made into a screenplay, we decided to ____________ some of the comical anecdotes. 


Read the passage and answer the question based on what is stated or implied in the passage:

The process that describes the continuous movement of water on, above, and below the surface of the Earth is the hydrologic cycle or the hydrological cycle is known as the water cycle.

It is the process where the water evaporates from the surface of the Earth (lake/pond/ocean), rises into the atmosphere, cools and condenses into rain or snow in clouds, and falls again (rain) to the surface as precipitation.

What does the second sentence do?


Choose the proper sequence from the jumbled options:

If you need help
P : promptly 
Q : you can call me anytime
R : hospital where they serve
S : I will take you to the

The proper sequence should be:


Choose the one which can be substituted for the given words in bold:

We prayed for those brave soldiers who sacrificed their lives for our safety.


Choose the most suitable option to fill in the blank:

During the _________, the streets are congested with cars, making the commute a slow and tedious journey for many commuters.


Read the passage and answer the question:

In the year 1863, a Civil War took place in Virginia which is the Battle of Chancellorsville, in banks of a narrow river for two months the two armies had been staked out. General Robert E. Lee led the Confederate troops. General Robert E. Lee is the reversed military tactician in American history. "Fighting" Joe Hooker led the Union soldiers. Both the leads were different in their appearance, personality, and lifestyle. General Robert E. Lee, an old man, is poor by his health with a grey beard wherein Joe Hooker was a young blond with egotism. They both were all set for the battle and Hooker was confident that he can win easily regardless of the army size of Lee. Hooker was overconfident, as he had 134,000 men wherein Lee had only 61,000 men. Hooker smartly moved 70,000 of his men to sneak back down behind Lee’s army, fifteen miles across the river, Hooker has cut off the Confederate soldiers as they were trapped; this left him happy and convinced that Union will crown the victory. Hooker thought Lee will retreat; instead, he moved his troops into position to attack which was not taken seriously by Hooker. At 5.00 p.m. when Lee’s army attacked the Union soldiers they were eating supper and were not completely prepared for the battle. This made Lee win the Battle of Chancellorsville with his approach.

What made Hooker to lose the Battle of Chancellorsville?


Choose the article/articles to complete the sentence:

_____ children went to see _____ film yesterday afternoon.


Fill in the blank using the most appropriate verb:

The doctor _______ the patients with the benefits of the treatment.


Choose the most appropriate set of options to fill in the blanks:

I am grateful _______ him _______ this help.

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Answers to Sample Questions from CREST Olympiads:


English Olympiad Questions for Class 6

1. Fill in the blank using an appropriate option:

My friend ___________________ for me when I arrived at the station.

a) waited
b) has waited
c) was waiting
d) has been waiting

Answer: was waiting

2. My new Jacket didn’t fit well. I felt _______ comfortable in them.

a) Dis-
b) In-
c) Un-
d) Re-

Answer: Un-

3. Fill in the blank using the most appropriate verb:

I _______ actor Will Smith while returning from California

a) suddenly came across
b) came across
c) ran into
d) both b and c

Answer: both b and c

4. Choose the odd one out from each set of words.

a) Motive
b) Aim
c) Start
d) None

Answer: Start

5. Which of the following is an incorrect tense:

Dave ___________ even on Sundays.

a) will be working
b) will work
c) is working
d) will have been worked

Answer: will have been worked

6. Match the words in each line with the option that can be used with all of them.

problem, match, game, talk

a) nervous
b) serious
c) bright
d) heavy

Answer: serious

7. Choose the odd one out from each set of words.

a) Protect : Protective
b) Subject : Subjective
c) Project: Projective
d) Affect : affective

Answer: Project: Projective

8. Read the given sentence and check if there is/are any grammatical error/s in any of the given options:

People who diet prefer milk than butter.

a) People whome diet
b) prefer milk
c) than butter.
d) No error

Answer: than butter.

9. Fill in the blank with correct pronoun.

Two sisters loved__________.

a) One another
b) Each other
c) Neither
d) themselves

Answer: Each other

10. Choose the odd one out from each set of words.

a) Stout
b) Round
c) Skinny
d) Ample

Answer: Skinny

11. Select correct options (verbs) to replace the blanks.

I only ______ a little salt for my biryani.

a) want
b) wanting
c) have wanted
d) will want

Answer: want

12. Complete the word using the letters from the options given below.

The magician had clever_____ concealed several rabbits in his hat.

a) fully
b) ness
c) ly
d) ity

Answer: ly

13. Choose the odd one out from each set of words.

a) Leather: Shoes
b) Fruit : trees
c) Water: rain
d) Paper : books

Answer: Water: rain

14. Read the given sentence and identify the expression of the author:

She’s scared to ask for a day off as her boss is in a black mood today.

a) Occupied
b) Irritation
c) Busy
d) Upset

Answer: Ittitation

15. Choose the best option to fill the blanks.

He had _____________ plan to catch the thief.

a) an emergency
b) a daring
c) a true
d) a courage

Answer: a daring

16. Choose the right spelling of the word

a) Worried
b) Worried
c) Worrid
d) Worried

Answer: Worried

17. Choose the best reply to complete the conversation.

Riya : Can you help me carry this upstairs?
Jhon : ___________

a) Which floor?
b) Later.
c) Sure. Give it.
d) Sure, let me give you a hand

Answer: Sure, let me give you a hand

18. Identify the kind of noun for the word that is given in quotes:

Smoking is a bad "habit". Smoking causes cancer and smoking kills.

a) Habit is a common noun.
b) Habit is a proper noun
c) Habit is an abstract noun.
d) Habit is a collective noun.

Answer: Habit is an abstract noun.

19. Choose the right spelling of the word

a) Luckaly
b) Luckily
c) Luckyly
d) Luckly

Answer: Luckily

20. Choose the antonym of the word given in the bold:

To prove his mettle and show that he was daring enough to join the club, Jason had to spend an hour alone in the haunted house on the hill.

a) Perjury
b) Leniency
c) Weariness
d) Timidity

Answer: Timidity

21. Select correct options (with the most suitable form of the verb agreeing with the subject) to fill the blanks.

Everyone selected for the team _________ to come for practice.

a) have
b) had
c) will
d) has

Answer: has

22. Choose the odd one out from each set of words.

a) Boldly
b) Gamely
c) Merrily
d) Breavely

Answer: Merrily

23. Select option (antonym) to the underlined word.

They abandoned their old house, when they built a new one.

a) vacate
b) kept
c) deserted
d) freed

Answer: kept

24. Given below are sets of three sentences. One in each set is incorrect. Choose the incorrect sentence.

a) Each of us has a new book
b) All my friends has seen Spider Man
c) Raj and Mohan live close to the school.
d) None

Answer: All my friends has seen Spider Man

25. Fill in the blank with correct form of verb:

The smell of the meat _____ the dog.

a) excite
b) excites
c) exciting
d) All of these

Answer: excites

26. Choose the right word

________ Priya nor Seema have gone to see the movie.

a) Each
b) Neither
c) Both
d) Rather

Answer: Neither

27. Choose the most suitable sentence.

Ramesh : when will you get home?
Father: At 5:30 pm. Why?
Ramesh : ______.
Father: I know that.

a) Can we go out once you’re back?
b) Oh, I just wanted to know.
c) My art class is at 6 O’clock
d) None.

Answer: My art class is at 6 O’clock

28. Find the synonym of the word given in capital letter:


a) Average
b) Disrespected
c) Unworthy
d) Praiseworthy

Answer: Praiseworthy

29. Select correct options (with the most suitable form of the verb agreeing with the subject) to fill the blanks.

Everyone selected for the team _________ to come for practice.

a) have
b) had
c) will
d) has

Answer: has

30. Choose the right spelling for the given sentence.

The _______ is fine today. Let’s go for a picnic

a) weather
b) wheather
c) whether
d) wether

Answer: weather

31. Fill in the blank with prepositon:

Harish was put ______ by kiran’s boastful nature.

a) Into
b) Out
c) Off
d) Up

Answer: Off

32. Fill in the appropriate articles:

Kalidas is ____ Shakespeare of India

a) the
b) a
c) an
d) All of these

Answer: the

33. Fill in the blank with the correct tenses.

I ____ my practice because I didn’t understand the questions.

a) Did
b) Won’t do
c) Will do
d) Didn’t do

Answer: Didn’t do

34. Select options (synonyms) to the underlined words.

His behaviour is idiotic I don’t encourage him ever.

a) important
b) foolish
c) ideal
d) intellectual

Answer: foolish

35. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:

The jury consists ___ eight members.

a) to
b) in
c) with
d) of

Answer: of

36. Which of the following is the correct spelling?

a) Moderatelly
b) Moderately
c) Modaretely
d) Modarately

Answer: Moderately

37. Identify the word with incorrect spelling.

a) Burden
b) Hatred
c) Enthusiasm
d) Desparage

Answer: Desparage

38. Change the following sentence into passive form: They took all the necessary precautions.

a) All the necessary precautions were taken by us.
b) All the necessary precautions was taken by me.
c) All the necessary precautions are taken by them.
d) All the necessary precautions were taken by them.

Answer: All the necessary precautions were taken by them.

39. Aman: Could you please move? You’re standing on my bag.

Avinash: __________

a) Oh! That’s n old one.
b) Sorry, I didn’t see it _____
c) Fine, I’ll move.
d) Why?

Answer: Sorry, I didn’t see it

40. There was just one day left for my birthday. I was ______ to open my presents.

a) Rested
b) Impatient
c) Uneasy
d) Restless

Answer: Impatient

41. Find the analogy.

Flowers: Fruits::? : Thursday

a) February
b) March
c) Sunday
d) January

Answer: Sunday

42. Rahul wanted to go away from school because.

a) He wasn’t feeling well.
b) He missed home
c) He didn’t like to study.
d) None.

Answer: He missed home

43. Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunction:

He had scarcely reached the station ____ it began to rain.

a) as
b) when
c) that
d) and

Answer: when

44. Choose the best word or ohrase to complete the sentence.

When _______ Delhi?

a) had you reach
b) you will be reaching
c) was you reached
d) will you reach

Answer: will you reach

45. Choose a suitable option to fill in the blank:

My friends had a nice time at the Cartoon City. They enjoyed ______________.

a) themselves
b) themselfes
c) theirselves
d) theyselves

Answer: themselves

46. Arrange the jumbled letters to make a meaningful word


a) Asulobte
b) Aluteobs
c) Absolute
d) Absulote

Answer: Absolute

47. Fill in the blank with an appropriate phrase:

My grandma is as ______________________. She doesn’t have any health ailments.

a) red as a rose
b) cool as a cucumber
c) hard as a rock
d) fit as a fiddle

Answer: fit as a fiddle

48. Some of the products __________ to be contaminated

a) appear
b) will appear
c) appears
d) has appeared

Answer: appear

49. Choose the most appropriate passive form for the given sentence from the options:

Who taught her Spanish?

a) By whom was she taught Spanish?
b) Who is that who teach her Spanish?
c) Who is teaching her French?
d) Whom has taught French to her?

Answer: By whom was she taught Spanish?

Solving CREST English Olympiad sample papers for class 6 will give students confidence and provide them with a sense of the types of problems they will be asked. The purpose of the CREST Olympiads sample papers for class 6 is to help participants enhance their preparation. Students will learn how to properly prepare for their exams by completing solving English Olympiad previous years’ question papers for class 6.

All of the questions on the question paper are from the syllabus and questions on the same pattern are all listed in the sample papers to help students succeed in the exam. Sample Papers for class 6 will also assist students in gaining an understanding of the marking structure and test format. It will assist students in determining which topic they should focus on. The previous year's test paper is available for participants to download.

Answers to Sample Questions from CREST Olympiads:

Q.1 : c | Q.2 : b | Q.3 : a | Q.4 : c | Q.5 : a | Q.6 : a | Q.7 : c | Q.8 : b | Q.9 : d | Q.10 : c
