Mental Maths Olympiad Preparation Material for Class 4

Preparation Material of CREST Mental Maths Olympiad (CMMO) for Class 4

Number and Number Names

  1. Representation in expanded form (numbers less than 1000)
  2. Number names (numbers less than 1000)
  3. Representation in hundreds, tens and ones (numbers less than 1000)
  4. Pictorial representation using cubes (numbers up to 1000)
  5. Arranging the given numbers in ascending and descending order (numbers up to 1000)
  6. Identify and usage of signs >, < and = (numbers up to 1000)
  7. Abacus representation (numbers up to 1000)
  8. Step counting of numbers starting from any number (numbers up to 1000)
  9. Use of place value (numbers less than 1000)
  10. Play with patterns
  11. Games with numbers

Addition and Subtraction

  1. Three digit subtraction (Problems on pictorial representation, missing numbers & borrowing on numbers less than 1000)
  2. Three digit addition (Problems on pictorial representation, missing numbers, carry over & commutative property of addition on numbers less than 1000)
  3. Solve problems on number bonds (numbers less than 1000)

Multiplication and Division

  1. Use of multiplication tables to solve mathematical statements on multiplication (Tables from 2 to 20)
  2. Understanding division using grouping and pictorial representation
  3. Understanding of words doubles, half, thrice, three times, dozen, pair, score, century etc. to solve multiplication and division problems
  4. Use of number bonds to solve problems of multiplication and division
  5. Understanding and identifying factors and multiples of given numbers


  1. Understanding fractions using pictorial representations (one-third, two-thirds, one-eighth, two-fifth etc.)
  2. Arrange given fractions in ascending or descending order
  3. Identification and usage of signs >, < and = for given fractions
  4. Like Fractions Addition with same denominator
  5. Like Fractions Subtraction with same denominator


  1. Conversion of Unit of Measurement - (Length, Weight, Capacity, Time)
  2. Money
  3. Reading measurement in pictorial problems: Using a ruler, weighing balance, graduated container and clock


  1. Identification of acute, obtuse, right and straight angles
  2. Identify and count the number of a particular 2-D shape in a figure (circle, triangle, rectangle and square, etc.)
  3. Identify 3-D shapes (cuboid, cube, cone, sphere, cylinder, etc.)
  4. Pattern recognition in a shapes series and identifying the next shape in the series