3d Shapes - Names & Worksheet

3D Shapes - Sub Topics

  • What are 3D Shapes?
  • Calculate the Number of Vertices, Edges and Faces of 3D Shapes
  • The reading material provided on this page for 3D Shapes is specifically designed for students in grades 1 to 4. So, let's begin!

    In our everyday lives, we encounter various objects that have different shapes and sizes. Shapes are an essential part of our world, and they can be classified into two types: 2D shapes and 3D shapes. In this article, we will focus on 3D shapes, also known as solid shapes, and learn about some common examples that can be found in our surroundings. So, let's embark on an exciting journey to discover the fascinating world of 3D shapes! 

    What are 3D Shapes?

    Imagine you have some flat pieces of paper with different shapes drawn on them. These are called 2D shapes. They're like pictures or drawings that only have length and width, but they don't have any depth or thickness, like a piece of paper.

    Now, think about real objects that you can touch and hold, like a ball, a box, or an ice cream cone. These are 3D shapes. They have three important parts: length, width, and height. You can think of them as being like solid things that take up space, not just flat drawings.

    So, the main difference between 2D shapes and 3D shapes is that 3D shapes have depth, like real objects you can hold, while 2D shapes are flat like pictures on paper. When we study 3D shapes in math, we're looking at their sizes, how they're put together, and how they relate to each other. It's a bit like exploring the shapes of things you can touch and play with!

    3d shape

    Calculate the Number of Vertices, Edges and Faces of 3D Shapes

    3-D shapes have some characteristics, such as vertices, faces and edges.

    3d shape 1

    Vertices: The points where edges meet in a 3D shape.

    Faces: The flat surfaces that make up a 3D shape.

    Edges: The line segments that connect two vertices in a 3D shape. 

    A real-life example of 3D shapes -

    3d shapes real examples

    List of 3D Shapes

    3d shapes list

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