Clothes for Class 3

Clothes and Its Types - Class 3

  • Clothes
  • Clothes We Wear
  • Why Do We Wear Clothes?
  • Different Activities on Clothes We Wear
  • Practice Questions on Clothes We Wear for Class 3
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  • Clothes

    Look at the following sentences:

    1. I love to wear my beautiful frock.
    2. There is a stain on this white t-shirt.
    3. When it's hot in the summer, I wear shorts and a light, airy tank top to stay cool.
    4. Pyjamas are the clothes for bedtime.

    The bold words in the above sentences like frock, t-shirt, shorts, tank top and pyjamas are names of various types of clothes.

    We all wear clothing because it shields us from the heat and cold. For various occasions, we dress differently. For example, when we go to school we wear uniforms, when we sleep at night we wear nightwear, for parties we have different dresses and so on.

    Clothes We Wear

    1. Summer Season

    1. We wear cotton and linen clothes during the summer as it helps in keeping our bodies cool.
    2. Loose-fitting clothes such as sundresses, shorts, and tank tops allow for better air circulation, preventing overheating and discomfort.
    3. Summer Season Clothes

    2. Winter Season

    1. To keep our body warm throughout the winter, we wear woollen clothes.
    2. Staying warm is a priority in winter. It is important for us to wear clothes on top of each other to keep us warm.
    3. Accessories like scarves, gloves, and hats are important to wear as they help to protect our hands and other body parts from getting cold.
    4. Winter Season Clothes

    3. Rainy Season

    1. We cover ourselves with raincoats and gumboots during the rainy season to avoid getting wet. During wet weather, we also use umbrellas.
    2. On wet days, it's crucial to wear clothes that dry quickly to avoid discomfort. One can wear waterproof jackets.
    3. Rainy Season CLothes

    4. Uniforms

    1. Uniforms are special clothes we wear for specific reasons, like going to school or work.
    2. There are different uniforms for different jobs. For example, A policeman has a different uniform compared to a doctor.
    3. Uniforms for Class 3

    5. Special Occasions

    We keep clothes in our closet for special events like parties and festivals. For example, We dress in ethnic attire for weddings, fancy clothes for birthday celebrations, and so forth.

    Special Occasion for Class 3

    Why Do We Wear Clothes?

    1. Our clothing shields us from the Sun, wind, bacteria, dust, and bug attacks.
    2. We feel comfortable and presentable when we are wearing clothes. For example, We wear comfortable clothes like track pants while playing sports.
    3. Wearing clothes keeps us clean and hygienic.
    4. We may distinguish between people from various occupations by their clothes. For example, Doctors typically wear white coats, while lawyers typically wear black coats.

    Different Activities on Clothes We Wear

    1. Laundry: When we wear clothes, it can get dirty from sweat, dust, and sometimes germs. To keep our clothes clean and odour-free, we should wash them frequently. Additionally, we must routinely iron our clothes.

    2. Tailoring Clothes: We at times buy clothes that are ill-fitted. We give them to the tailor so that they may make our size-appropriate clothing. We don't look nice in garments that don't fit well.

    3. Donating Clothes: Instead of throwing away small or worn-out clothes, one could donate it or give it to someone in need.

    4. Sports and Fitness: For sports and fitness, there are certain outfits that allow us to move freely during exercise. For example, Have you ever observed how swimmers and athletes dress?

    We should choose our clothes based on the event, the personality, the season, the weather, and the climate.

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