International Green Warrior Olympiad Class 2 Previous Year Papers

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Clean Water and Sanitation

  1. Introduction to clean water: What is water? importance of clean water, basic hygiene practices related to water
  2. Water sources: Where does our water come from? different sources of water (e.g., rivers, lakes, taps), protecting water sources
  3. Water pollution: What is pollution?, introduction to water pollution, simple examples of pollutants (e.g., trash, dirt), importance of not polluting water sources
  4. Keeping water clean: Ways to clean water, avoiding littering near water sources, basic rules for using water responsibly
  5. Waterborne diseases: What are waterborne diseases? basic understanding of illnesses related to dirty water, importance of clean water for health
  6. Clean water at home: Ways to get clean water at home, role of water filters and purification, hygiene practices when using water at home

Affordable and Clean Energy

  1. Simple ways to save energy at home (e.g., turning off lights when not needed)
  2. Activities to practice energy conservation
  3. How clean energy is good for the environment

Sustainable Cities and Communities

  1. Clean and safe parks: Visiting a local park, picking up trash in the park, playing outdoor games in the park, planting tress
  2. Community helpers: Learning about people who help keep the city clean (e.g., garbage collectors, gardeners)
  3. Sustainable transportation: Introduction to electric vehicles, public transportation and its benefits, reducing carbon emissions through transportation choices

Responsible Consumption and Production

  1. Importance of not wasting things, the concept of reuse by sharing toys with others
  2. Importance of not wasting food
  3. Alternatives to plastic, like using reusable bags
  4. Introduction of ""3 Rs"" - reduce, reuse, recycle with simple examples

Climate Action

  1. Basic understanding of seasons
  2. Air: Air pollution, sources of air pollution, effects of air pollution, ways to reduce air pollution
  3. Importance of breathing clean air
  4. How human activities can affect the climate
  5. The impact of climate change on the environment (e.g., melting ice, rising sea levels, extreme weather)
  6. Why trees are important for the environment
  7. Planting a tree or caring for a small garden
  8. How clean energy helps combat climate change

Life Below Water

  1. Need to protect marine animals from harm (e.g., pollution, overfishing)
  2. Ocean conservation: Understanding why we need to protect the oceans, avoid littering at the beach
  3. Exploring ocean life: Introduction to underwater creatures

Life On Land

  1. Protecting trees and plants
  2. How animals and plants are essential for the environment and humans
  3. Conservation of Animals and plants habitats
  4. Importance of taking care of land

Food Security and Agriculture

  1. Introduction to the concept of food: Basic food groups (e.g., fruits, vegetables, grains), identifying common foods
  2. Understanding the difference between healthy and unhealthy foods
  3. Sharing food: Why it's important to share food with others

Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q.8 Q.9 Q.10


Tommy noticed a community helper shown in the picture while going to school one day.
In what way does this person helps our city?


Which of the following is an example of clean air?


Look at the given pictures and choose the one that shows a good practice for conserving water at home.


Imagine you're on an undersea adventure. You spot a graceful creature with a hard shell. What type of marine reptile might this be?


Misty's mom wants her to eat food that gives her energy to play. Which of the following is an energy-giving food that Misty should choose?


Tom's school has started a recycling program to save resources and reduce waste. Which of the following items can't be recycled?


Max saw on TV that forests far away were getting destroyed by big fires. Why might these fires be happening more often?


Some animals, called scavengers, clean up carcasses in the wild.
How do such animals, like vultures, help maintain the balance of the environment?


What happens to the air when we use clean energy like wind power and solar power?


In their school, Sara and Alex learned that trees are important for animals and humans.
What do trees produce that is essential for the survival of animals and humans?

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Answers to Previous Year Questions from CREST Olympiads:


Answers to Previous Year Questions from CREST Olympiads:

Q.1 : a | Q.2 : a | Q.3 : a | Q.4 : a | Q.5 : b | Q.6 : a | Q.7 : c | Q.8 : c | Q.9 : c | Q.10 : c
