Prepositions for Class 7

Prepositions and Its Types - Class 7

  • What do you Understand by Prepositions?
  • Uses of Some Important Prepositions
  • Practice Questions on Prepositions for Class 7
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  • What do you Understand by Prepositions?

    Prepositions are words that illustrate the connection between nouns (people, places or things) with other words in a sentence. They assist us in comprehending where something is, when something occurred, or how objects are related to one another.
    Prepositions that are frequently used include in, on, by, under, over, beside, between, behind, during and many others. These words help us to provide more information about the things or actions in a sentence by demonstrating their linkages or positions.


    → Notebooks are on the desk.
    → My dog is hiding in the bed.
    → The kids went for an evening walk in the park.
    → The red ball is between the two chairs.
    → Shelly sat beside Jack during the class.
    → The bird flew over the tree.
    → A red pen is inside the pencil case.

    Uses of Some Important Prepositions

    Prepositions are words that bring out the relationship between various sentence parts. Here are uses of some commonly used prepositions in daily life:

    1. In

    It’s used to indicate location within a place.
    Example: Shelly is sitting in the cozy chair, reading her favorite book.

    It’s used to indicate a specific period of time.
    Example: We'll see you in 20 minutes.

    2. On

    It’s used to indicate a specific day or date.
    Example: I put my backpack on the table before starting my homework.

    It’s used to indicate a surface or a place.
    Example: Alisha needs the notebook which is lying is on her desk.

    3. At

    It’s used to indicate a specific point in time.
    Example: I'll meet you at 5 o'clock.

    It’s used to indicate a specific location.
    Example: My friend is waiting for me at the bus stop.

    4. By

    It’s used to indicate a method of transportation or how something is done.
    Example: I'll travel by plane.

    It’s used to indicate a deadline or a specific time.
    Example: Submit your homework by Tuesday.

    5. Under

    It’s used to indicate something is below or beneath something else.
    Example: The treasure chest was hidden under the old oak tree.

    It’s used to indicate a lower position or rank.
    Example: Jacob is under the strict supervision of his class teacher.

    6. Over

    It’s used to indicate movement from one side to another.
    Example: Veronica was so scared that she jumped over the fence without even thinking about the consequences

    It’s used to indicate a general location or position.
    Example: Birds usually fly over the seas to reach their far-off destinations during the migrating seasons.

    7. Between

    It’s used to indicate the relationship or location between two things or people.
    Example: I am standing between my parents.

    8. Through

    It’s used to indicate movement from one side or end to the other.
    Example: The train goes through the tunnel.

    It’s used to indicate a process or method.
    Example: We solved the question through teamwork.

    9. With

    It’s used to indicate association or accompaniment.
    Example: I went to an event with my friends.

    It’s used to indicate a means or tool.
    Example: I cut the paper with scissors.

    10. For

    It’s used to indicate a purpose or reason.
    Example: I bought a gift for my brother's birthday.

    It’s used to indicate a duration of time.
    Example: They will be on vacation for 15 days.

    11. Among

    It’s used to indicate being a part of a group or surrounded by a group of things or people.
    Example: Jonny is among the top students in his maths class.

    12. Across

    It’s used to indicate movement from one side to the other or covering a distance. Example: They walked across the bridge.

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