Antonyms for Class 7

Antonyms and Its Types - Class 7

  • What is an Antonym?
  • Why are Antonyms Used?
  • Examples of Antonyms
  • Difference Between Synonyms and Antonyms
  • Antonyms Vs. Prefixes
  • Common Mistakes With Antonyms
  • FAQs
  • What is an Antonym?

    Antonyms are terms that are opposite in meaning. For example, the word 'abolish' has multiple antonyms like maintain, establish and preserve. Using antonyms can change the meaning of a sentence drastically.

    Why are Antonyms Used?

    1. An antonym is a word that can show the contrast of an idea or a concept in a sentence. This helps our messages become clearer and more specific.
    2. When we use and learn antonyms, our vocabulary improves. This helps us to express different thoughts and emotions, making our language more flexible and varied.
    3. With the help of antonyms, we can provide comparisons in our content. Antonyms are used to highlight the differences in meanings.

    Examples of Antonyms




    increase, intensify, strengthen, escalate, heighten


    establish, institute, retain, authorise, enforce


    logical, reasonable, rational, sensible, coherent


    polite, respectful, kind, considerate, civil


    inaccessible, unattainable, remote, distant, hidden


    decreasing, diminishing, reducing, depleting, decreasing


    planned, deliberate, intentional, calculated, designed


    alleviate, ease, relieve, soothe, comfort


    believer, theist, devout, religious, faithful


    unattractive, repellent, repulsive, unpleasant, disagreeable


    uncertainty, doubt, scepticism, suspicion, insecurity


    unauthorised, unapproved, illegal, illicit, unlawful

    bona fide

    counterfeit, fake, fraudulent, forged, sham


    eagle, hawk, falcon, vulture, osprey


    praise, commend, applaud, approve, endorse


    annual, daily, monthly, weekly, perennial


    organised, ordered, systematic, structured, methodical


    selfish, uncharitable, mean, ungenerous, stingy


    opposition, rivalry, competition, discord, antagonism


    expand, flourish, thrive, prosper, succeed


    indifference, apathy, reluctance, hesitation, uncertainty


    calm, stillness, tranquillity, peace, serenity


    contrast, difference, dissimilarity, distinction, inequality


    deprive, withhold, penalise, forfeit, withhold


    disagree, dissent, oppose, differ, dispute


    praise, commendation, acclaim, approval, flattery


    acceptance, admission, affirmation, acknowledgement, recognition


    replenish, augment, increase, enhance, expand


    withdrawal, retreat, removal, evacuation, disbandment


    attachment, connection, involvement, engagement, association

     Read About: Synonyms for Class 7

    Difference Between Synonyms and Antonyms

    Synonyms Antonyms
    Synonyms are words with the same or a comparable meaning. Antonyms are words with opposite and contrasting meanings.
    Synonyms are words that can be used in place of other words in a sentence without significantly affecting the meaning. Antonyms are words that represent opposing concepts and ideas.
    Example: Synonyms of 'assertive' are confident, bold, assured, etc.


    Example: Antonyms for the word 'assertive' are submissive, passive, timid, etc. 

    Antonyms Vs. Prefixes

    1. Short syllables, often between one and three letters, form prefixes. They are added to the beginning of words to modify their meaning. Some prefixes make a word's meaning opposite and reverse it.
    2. A prefix cannot be used with all words. Thus, one cannot add prefixes with any words they want.
    3. The following lists are frequently used antonym pairs with prefixes. These are:

    1. Dis-

    → obey - disobey
    → respect - disrespect
    → own - disown
    → courage - discourage
    → allow - disallow

    2. In-

    → direct - indirect
    → definite - indefinite
    → dependent - independent
    → active - inactive
    → decent - indecent

    3. Non-

    → profit - nonprofit
    → sense - nonsense
    → stop - nonstop
    → verbal - nonverbal
    → political - nonpolitical

    4. Mal-

    → function - malfunction
    → nutrition - malnutrition
    → practice - malpractice
    → software - malware
    → formed - malformed

    5. Un-

    → stable - unstable
    → known - unknown
    → happy - unhappy
    → tidy - untidy
    → certain - uncertain

    Common Mistakes With Antonyms

    1. Some students use antonyms without understanding their meanings properly and use incorrect antonyms in the text or speech.
    2. Many students believe that adding prefixes to words will create an antonym. Many words do not require prefixes, therefore, adding them will lead to incorrect words. For example, they may write the antonym for start as 'unstart' which is incorrect. The correct antonym for the words 'start' is finished.
    3. Students frequently misspell antonyms. Therefore it is crucial to learn new words with their spellings.


    1. What are antonyms for class 7?

    Answer: Words with contrasting meanings or ideas are known as antonyms. For example, above-below, rare-common, hardworking-idle, same-contrast, etc.

    2. What is the difference between synonyms and antonyms for class 7?

    Answer: Synonyms are words with similar or the same meaning which can be used interchangeably whereas antonyms are words whose meanings completely contradict one another and cannot be used interchangeably.

    3. What are some examples of opposite words for class 7?

    Answer: Some examples of opposite words are:

    1. safe - dangerous
    2. shallow - deep
    3. humble - arrogant
    4. gentle - harsh
    5. accept - reject

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