Collocation for Class 8

Collocation and Its Types - Class 8

  • What are Collocations?
  • Popular Collocations
  • Importance of Collocations
  • Types of Collocations
  • Examples of Collocations Used in Sentences
  • FAQs
  • What are Collocations?

    Collocations are groupings of words or phrases that are frequently used together in English.

    Popular Collocations

    1. make a plan
    2. take a look
    3. deeply unhappy
    4. commit a crime
    5. have a dream

    Importance of Collocations

    1. Collocations help avoid confusion in language. Using commonly accepted word pairings reduces the chances of misunderstanding or misinterpretation.
    2. Collocations are efficient because they allow us to express ideas concisely.
    3. Collocations can bridge communication gaps when people from different linguistic backgrounds share common collocations to convey ideas effectively.
    4. Learning collocations is an effective way to build vocabulary and language proficiency.

    Types of Collocations

    Collocations comprise several word types, such as adjectives, nouns, verbs, etc. Collocations can take the following forms:

    1. Adverb + Adjective: absolutely impossible, perfectly normal, pretty good, highly probable
    2. Adjective + Noun: bad news, healthy diet, main course, big problem
    3. Noun + Noun: hospital room, tennis court, business card, shopping cart
    4. Noun + Verb: bungee jumping, ideas flow, rainfall, skydiving
    5. Verb + Noun: bathtub, shower gel, clean the room, catch a cold
    6. Verb + Expression with a preposition: talk to, apologise for, complain to, recover from
    7. Verb + Adverb: think deeply, work quietly, work independently, speak loudly

    Click here to read about: Collocation for Class 9

    Examples of Collocations Used in Sentences

    → Jack wrote a letter to his parents.
    → Can I have your attention, please?
    → Can you give me a ride to the nearest store?
    → We should break the ice and introduce ourselves to the new students.
    → Can you give me some advice on buying a house?
    → The artist made an impression with their unique painting.
    → Kyle loves to eat fast food.
    → Sally took advantage of the sale to buy new clothes.
    → Please feel free to contact me in case you have any questions.
    → The students broke the rules and got into trouble.


    1. What are collocations with examples?

    Answer: Collocations are words that often go together or occur in a predictable way. They are combinations of words or phrases that are commonly used in the English language. Examples of collocations are strong coffee, fast food, make a decision, etc.

    2. State 7 types of collocations with examples.

    Answer: 7 types of collocations are:

    1. adverb + adjective: fully aware
    2. adjective + noun: bright colour
    3. noun + noun: water gun
    4. noun + verb: sunbathing
    5. verb + noun: drive a car
    6. verb + expression with a preposition: working on
    7. verb + adverb: study attentively

    3. How to use collocations in a sentence?

    Answer: While using collocations in a sentence, we should use correct word combinations. For example, strong rain is an incorrect collocation whereas, heavy rain is a correct collocation.

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