Idioms for Class 5

Idioms and Its Types - Class 5

  • What are Idioms?
  • Uses of Various Idioms
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  • What are Idioms?

    Idioms are expressions in a language that are different from the common interpretation of the existing words. These expressions are frequently used in ordinary speech to express specific ideas, feelings, or concepts.

    Uses of Various Idioms




    1. Bite the bullet

    This is used when facing a difficult or unpleasant situation with courage and determination.

    a) Even though the math test was hard, she had to bite the bullet and do her best.
    b) Jack had to bite the bullet and go to the dentist even though she was scared.

    2. Piece of cake

    This is used for something very easy to do.

    a) The spelling test was a piece of cake for me because I studied really hard.
    b) Finishing my homework last night was a piece of cake. I just sat down and did it in no time because it was so easy.

    3. A penny for your thoughts

    This is used as when polite way of asking someone what they are thinking about.

    a) You look deep in thought. A penny for your thoughts?
    b) Hey Tim, you've been sitting quietly for a while.a penny for your thoughts. Is there something on your mind?"

    4. Don't cry over spilt spilled milk

    This is used when you want to say don't be upset about something that has already happened and cannot be changed.

    a) I accidentally dropped my ice cream, but I won't cry over spilt spilled milk. I'll get another one.
    b) After I accidentally knocked over my glass of water, my mom told me not to cry over spilt milk and helped me clean it up.

    5. In the same boat

    This is used when you are In the same situation or facing the same difficulties as someone else.

    a) We both have a lot of homework to do, so we're in the same boat.
    b) During the rainy season, all the students were in the same boat, getting wet on their way to school.

    6. Under the weather

    This is used when you are feeling sick or not well.

    a) I won't be able to come to school today because I'm feeling under the weather.
    b) I lost the chance because I was feeling under the weather.

    7. Hit the books

    This is used when you want to study or start doing schoolwork.

    a) I need to hit the books to prepare for my upcoming science test.
    b) He decided to hit the books and study for several hours.

    8. Break the ice

    This is used when one wants to start a conversation or social interaction in a friendly and relaxed manner.

    a) At the new student orientation, we played games to break the ice and get to know each other.
    b) She decided to break the ice by introducing herself to her classmates.

    9. Cost an arm and a leg

    This is used when the thing is meant to be very expensive.

    a) The latest video game console costs an arm and a leg, so I can't afford it right now.
    b) That new dress console costs an arm and a leg, I'll need to save money.

    10. The ball is in your court

    This is used to show that now it's your responsibility or turn to make a decision or take action in a particular situation.

    a) We have done our part and now the ball is in your court.
    b) You can choose the starting point for the game. The ball is in your court.

    11. Cold feet

    This is used to show that someone is getting nervous

    a) Sammy was going to perform in the school talent show, but she got cold feet and decided not to go on stage.
    b) Tim was excited about his first swimming lesson, but when he saw the cold water in the pool, he got cold feet and hesitated to jump in.

    12. Apple of my eye

    This is used to show someone whom you are very fond of or like

    a) My little sister is the apple of my eye.
    b) This special necklace that my grandmother gave me is the apple of my eye.

    13. Set the record straight

    This is used to reveal the truth / to clarify

    a) Who won the school's first chess tournament? Can someone please set the record straight?
    b) Can someone set the record straight, who broke the vase?

    14. Kill two birds with a stone

    This is used to achieve two results by doing one thing

    a) Samuel invited her friends over to study and killed two birds with one stone by completing their homework and spending time together.
    b) Dad decided to kill two birds with one stone by going to the supermarket, which was right next to the post office, to save time and get everything done at once.

    15. Snowed under

    This is used to show that someone is busy

    a) I can't play with you today, I'm snowed under with homework from school.
    b) Sorry, I can't go to the movies this weekend. I'm snowed under with work at the office.

    16. To break someone's bubble

    This is used to do or say something that proves someone else's beliefs are not true.

    a) I hate to break Sana's bubble, but I heard that her birthday party is not happening.
    b) I don't want to break John's bubble, but I saw him make some mistakes in the spelling bee practice today.

    17. Walk on eggshells

    This is used to be very careful with your actions and words.

    a) Alice walks on eggshells around the house to avoid making noise and disturbing her brother.
    b)Timmy was so nervous that he felt like he had to walk on eggshells to avoid making any mistakes in his presentation.

    18. Make two ends meet

    This is used to have just enough money for all your needs

    a) My mom works very hard to make two ends meet.
    b) Sam's dad manages the family budget carefully to make two ends meet.

    19. To be at loggerheads with someone

    This is used to quarrel or disagree

    a) Manuel and his friend Mary were at loggerheads when they couldn't agree on which movie to watch.
    b) The two siblings, Alex and Emily, were at loggerheads over who got to choose the music for their road trip.

    20. Pretty penny

    This is used to describe expensiveness

    a) Manuel's parents bought him a new bicycle for her birthday and it cost them a pretty penny.
    b) Alley spent a pretty penny to add them to his collection.

    21. Through thick and thin

    This is used at all times – both good and bad

    a) They have supported each other through thick and thin
    b) Tom's family always sticks together through thick and thin.

    22. Beat around the bush

    This is used to not say directly

    a) When Ellan was asked by his teacher why he didn't finish his homework, he started to beat around the bush.
    b) When Emily and her friends were trying to decide which movie to watch at the sleepover, they kept beating around the bush.

    23. Hang in there

    This is used to stay strong in a difficult situation

    a) Hang in there! Everything will be okay.
    b) Hang in there! You can achieve it.

    24. Cut corners

    This is used to reduce expenses

    a) I often cut corners to buy something for my boss.
    b) She stopped eating thrice a day to cut the corners.

    25. Steal someone’s thunder

    This is used to direct attention and do something to gain praise and prevent another person from gaining praise.

    a) Ortis was about to show his amazing magic trick but John suddenly performed his trick and stole his thunder.
    b) Tom sang the same song and stole her thunder.

    26. Call it a day

    This is used to stop doing something

    a) After playing at the park for hours, we decided to call it a day and go home for dinner.
    b) The students had been studying for their exams all afternoon, so their teacher told them to call it a day and get some rest.

    27. Better late than never

    This is to do something rather than not do it.

    a) Cooper forgot to do his homework, but he thought, "It's better late than never.
    b) Shelly missed the beginning of the school play, but she arrived during the second act. It's better late than never!

    28. Stick to your guns

    This is used to stay morally strong or be firm in decisions especially when being opposed

    a) Despite facing criticism from my friends, I stuck to my guns and continued to study diligently.
    b) The cricket team decided to stick to their guns and play their best.

    29. Leave no stone unturned

    This is used to look everywhere without missing a spot or to make every effort possible to achieve something

    a) When preparing for my science project, I left no stone unturned.
    b) Veronica wanted to find her lost necklace, so she searched her room thoroughly, leaving no stone unturned.

    30. Time is money

    To work quickly in the time that is left

    a) Remember, time is money. Use your time wisely!
    b) Let's plan our activities carefully. Time is money, and we want to make sure we enjoy every moment.

    Click here to read about: Idioms for Class 6


    1. What do idioms mean?

    Answer: Idioms are a collection of words that has a figurative meaning different from the literal meanings of the existing words.

    2. How do you easily understand the meaning of an idiom?

    Answer: To understand the meaning of an idiom easily, one needs to focus on the context in which the idiom is used. Try to use clues from the surrounding text or situation to figure out the intended figurative meaning of the idiom in a sentence.

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