What's one or two achievements that you are proud of? Winning laptop in INTSO (Maths) in 5th class & State 1 Rank in CMO in 6th class |
Who is your ideal and why? A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. |
Which public figure (sportsperson, actor, etc.) inspires you the most? Rakesh Sharma |
Who or what keeps you motivated? My Parents |
Have you thought of your career line? What do you want to become and why? Aerospace Scientist |
If there is one gift you would like to have, what would that be? Pets (Aquarium Fishes) and plants. |
Your favourite memory that you would like to share? Visiting Taj Mahal. |
What's one thing about you that your friends don't know? I am mischievous. |
What is your secret of making friends? Honesty, sharing and studies. |
What are your hobbies? How do you keep a balance between your hobbies and studies? Playing chess, reading books and cycling which makes me stress free so that I can concentrate more to complete my studies in lesser time. |
Which is your favourite sport? When did you start practicing and why? Chess, from 4th class with my father on holidays. |
What do you love to do the most in your free time? Different kinds of experiments. |
What are your study tips for getting better grades in school examinations? Listening with concentration in the class, complete the syllabus and attend the exam like your regular classes. |
How do you prepare for Olympiads? Taking mock tests and solving logical reasoning books. |
How has appearing for Olympiad exams helped your studies? It made me to understand curriculum syllabus easily. |
Do you have any advice or tips for students who are interested in appearing for Olympiads? Practicing mock tests and appearing for Olympiads keeps you in the race of competitive exams. |