What's one or two achievements that you are proud of? My two achievements that I am proud of are studying Science and Mathematics and playing football. |
What is your biggest fear and how do you overcome it? My biggest fear was doing narration in school as stage performance. I overcame it by forgetting every fear and concentrating on my role. |
Who is your ideal and why? Cristiano Ronaldo is my ideal, he plays football. I want to be like him because football is my passion. |
Which public figure (sportsperson, actor, etc.) inspires you the most? Cristiano Ronaldo |
Who or what keeps you motivated? My parents and even science and mathematics keeps me motivated. |
Have you thought of your career line? What do you want to become and why? I want to become an astromer because I want to study about the universe. |
If there is one gift you would like to have, what would that be? I would like to have one gift and that is a telescope to see the moon nearer. |
Your favourite memory that you would like to share? My favourite memory that l would like to share is to study science and mathematics and to play a sport which is football. |
What's one thing about you that your friends don't know? There is no one thing that that my friends don't know. They know everything about me. |
What is your secret of making friends? My secret of making friends is giving them something, talking to them. |
What are your hobbies? How do you keep a balance between your hobbies and studies? My hobby is to play Soccer. l keep balance between my hobby and studies by playing Soccer a little and more studying. |
Which is your favourite sport? When did you start practicing and why? My favourite sport is Soccer, but didn't start practising on it. |
What do you love to do the most in your free time? l love to read books the most in my free time. |
What are your study tips for getting better grades in school examinations? My study tips for better grades in school examinations are to study atleast for 1 and half hours which will give us a lot of information from books. |
How do you prepare for Olympiads? I prepared for Olympiads by solving question paper and taking lot of information from books. |
How has appearing for Olympiad exams helped your studies? When l was solving question papers, it helped in my regular studies too. |
Do you have any advice or tips for students who are interested in appearing for Olympiads? I would suggest that every student should appear for CREST Olympiads as this is a quite different from any other traditional Olympiads. |