
Transport - Class KG

  • Transport
  • Land Transport
  • Water Transport
  • Air Transport
  • Solved Questions on Transport
  • Transport

    1. Transportation is all about how things and people move from one place to another.
    2. Modes of transport are the different ways we can travel. For example: Cars, buses, bikes, trains, and aeroplanes.
    3. These vehicles can be divided into different types based on where they can travel: Land transport (road and rail transport), water transport, and air transport.

    Land Transport

    Land transport is all about how things and people move on the ground, like the roads and paths we see.

    There are two main types of land transport: road transport and rail transport.

    1. Road Transport

    1. Road transport is like going on a journey using special vehicles that move on the roads, just like the paths you walk on.
    2. A few examples of road vehicles are bicycles, cars, buses, trucks and scooters.
    3. Land Transport Vehicles - CREST Olympiads

    4. These vehicles use their wheels and engines to take people and things where they need to go.
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    2. Rail Transport

    1. Rail transport is a way of moving things and people using trains that run on special tracks.
    2. These tracks are like roads, but they're made just for trains.
    3. Trains follow these tracks to go where they need to go.
    4. Examples: Metro, passenger train and goods train.
    Examples of Rail Transport Vehicles - CREST Olympiads

    Water Transport

    1. Water vehicles help us travel on water, just like cars on roads.
    2. People can use water transport to travel across lakes and rivers, and even across big oceans.
    3. There are many kinds of water vehicles that help us travel on water such as ships, boats, cruise ships and cargo ships.
    Different Ways of Water Transport Vehicles - CREST Olympiads

    Air Transport

    1. Air transport is like taking a trip through the sky using special vehicles called aeroplanes.
    2. It helps us reach faraway places quickly.
    3. Aeroplanes and helicopters are two common vehicles for air transport.
    4. Aeroplanes can carry lots of people, just like a big bus in the sky.
    Different Ways of Air Transport - CREST Olympiads

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