Collocation for Class 10

Collocation and Its Types - Class 10

  • What are Collocations?
  • Popular Collocations
  • Importance of Collocations
  • Types of Collocations
  • Collocation Used in Sentences
  • FAQs
  • What are Collocations?

    A collocation is a grouping of two or more words that are often used together to express a single thought. Some word arrangements that may not go well together should be avoided as it seem to be forced or strange. For example, take a shower (correct collocation) whereas, make a shower (is incorrect collocations).

    Popular Collocations

    1. troubling times
    2. ignorant
    3. keep an eye on
    4. do a favour
    5. catch someone’s attention

    Importance of Collocations

    1. Learning collocations is a good method to improve one's vocabulary and language skills.
    2. Collocations can bridge communication gaps when speakers of different languages successfully convey ideas using common collocations.
    3. Collocations make it possible to explain thoughts concisely, which enhances communication.
    4. Collocations provide clarification on unclear language. Combining frequently used word combinations reduces the possibility of misunderstandings or miscommunications.

    Types of Collocations

    There are seven types of collocations. They are:

    1. Adverb + Adjective: surprisingly affordable, extremely talented, remarkably intelligent, exceedingly rare
    2. Adjective + Noun: bright future, green energy, dark secret, gentle reminder
    3. Noun + Noun: computer desk, garden hose, camera lens, kitchen sink
    4. Noun + Verb: job interview, coffee break, bike ride, road trip
    5. Verb + Noun: lose weight, take a vacation, swimming pool, run an errand
    6. Verb + Expression with a preposition: succeed in, recover from, dream of, listen to
    7. Verb + Adverb: speak softly, work diligently, read attentively, sing beautifully

    Learn more about: Idioms for Class 10

    Collocation Used in Sentences

    → The teacher spoke softly to the crying child to comfort him.
    → Joshua ran tirelessly for his team in the relay race.
    → He cooked dinner for his family last night.
    → He's always making excuses for his mistakes.
    → She agreed with her friend's choice of movie.
    → The young artist painted passionately in her studio.
    → She took part in the school's debate club.
    → The athletes trained rigorously for the competition.
    → I'll call you later to make plans for the weekend.
    → Susan's unhealthy diet consisted of fast food and sugary snacks.


    1. What are collocations for class 10?

    Answer: Collocations are referred to as combinations of words or phrases that are frequently used together by English native speakers. Examples are fail a test, stay focused, study hard, etc.

    2. Why are collocations important in English grammar?

    Answer: Collocations are important in English grammar because they enhance one's ability to express ideas more naturally and fluently. It also helps in avoiding common errors and improving overall communication skills. When students use collocations appropriately, their language becomes more accurate.

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