Common Noun

Common Noun and Its Examples

  • Definition of Common Noun
  • Examples of Common Noun
  • List of Common Noun
  • When to Use Common Noun?
  • Mistakes with Common Noun
  • How to Identify Common Noun in a Sentence?
  • Practice Questions on Common Noun
  • FAQ's
  • Definition of Common Noun

    Word which is used for the common name of something such as a place, object or a person is known as a common noun. For example, teacher, fruit, vegetable, parent, etc.

    Examples of Common Noun

    Common name of a person: doctor, engineer, artist
    Common name of a place: country, city, town
    Common name of an object: table, computer, plane
    Common name of an animal: bird, insect, dog

    Common Noun

    Examples of Common Noun in Sentences

    1. The dog barked loudly in the park.
    2. She placed the hot pizza on the table.
    3. The Sun set behind the mountains, painting the sky in vibrant hues.
    4. I bought a new book to read over the weekend.
    5. Children played in the garden under the warm afternoon sun.
    6. The car zoomed past us on the highway.
    7. My sister made a delicious cake for my birthday.
    8. We sat on the couch and watched a movie together.
    9. The river flowed gently, reflecting the trees on its surface.
    10. He wore a bright red hat to stand out in the crowd.

    List of Common Noun




    Dog, Cat, Elephant, Fish, Bird


    Apple, Banana, Orange, Grape


    Car, Bus, Bicycle, Truck, Motorcycle


    Chair, Table, Sofa, Bed, Desk


    Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Purple


    Pizza, Burger, Salad, Pasta, Rice


    Coffee, Tea, Water, Juice, Soda


    Teacher, Doctor, Engineer, Chef


    Park, School, Hospital, Beach, Mall


    Key, Book, Phone, Clock, Pen

    When to Use Common Noun?

    1. We use common noun when we refer to general objects without specifying a particular one. For example, bags, trains, shoes, etc.
    2. Common noun are used when we talk about generic categories of people or animals. For instance, architect, model, driver, etc. 
    3. We use common noun for general locations or general places. For example, beach, school, mountain, etc. 

    Mistakes with Common Noun

    While using common noun, students often make mistakes like:

    1. Always capitalising first letter: Starting letter of a common noun will be capitalised only if it appears at the beginning of a sentence or if it is a part of a title. For example, students write " The dog was barking at a Woman" instead of "The dog was barking at a woman."

    2. Not using plural form: Students often forget to add "s" or "es" to make a common noun plural. For example, many will write "I own two car" instead of writing "I own two cars". 

    3. Confusion with singular and plural nouns: Students often need clarification with singular and plural nouns. For example, if they see the word 'jeans' because of an added 's' many would think that it is a plural noun. Whereas, it is a singular noun. 

    How to Identify Common Noun in a Sentence?

    1. The first step to identify common noun is to find all the words in a sentence that name places, objects or people.
    2. Next step is to eliminate all the proper noun. Unlike common noun, proper noun specify an object, animal or people. Excluding all the proper noun will make it easier to find common noun.
    3. To identify common noun in sentences or paragraphs look for plural forms.

    Difference Between Common Noun and Proper Noun

    Common noun and proper noun are two types of nouns in English grammar

    Common Noun

    1. A common noun refers to a general, non-specific person, place, thing, or concept.
    2. It is not capitalized unless it begins a sentence.
    3. Common nouns are more general and can apply to any member of a class of people, places, or things.
    4. Examples: man, city, soda, tower.

    Proper Noun

    1. A proper noun refers to a specific, unique person, place, thing, or entity.
    2. It is always capitalised, regardless of its position in a sentence.
    3. Proper noun usually name a particular individual, such as a person's name, a specific geographic location, a brand, or a title.
    4. Examples: John, Paris, Coca-Cola, The Eiffel Tower.

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