Nouns for Class 6

Nouns and Its Types - Class 6

  • What Does a Noun Mean?
  • Types of Nouns
  • More Examples of Nouns
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  • What Does a Noun Mean?

    A noun is a word that is used to identify a person, animal, place or object. For example, I live in New York. Here ‘New York’ is the name of the place, thus it is a noun.

    Types of Nouns

    There are many different types of nouns.

    1. Proper Nouns

    1. Names that are specific to a person, animal, place or thing are referred to as proper nouns.
    2. Usage of proper nouns in sentences:

      → My mother’s name is Jenifer.
      ‘Jenifer’ is a proper noun as it is a unique name of an individual.

      Danny is from London.
      In this sentence ‘London’ is the unique name of a city in Europe and 'Danny' is the unique name of a person. Thus they can be classified as a proper noun.

    3. Proper nouns should always have their first letter capitalised. This is why ‘London’ is written in capital letters even when it comes at the end of a sentence.
     Read More: Proper Noun

    2. Common Nouns

    1. Common names for people, places, animals or things are known as common nouns.
    2. Uses of common nouns in sentences:

      → I have a younger brother.
      ‘Brother’ is the common noun as it is the general name of a person.

      → My house is far away.
      ‘House’ is the general name of a place. Therefore it is a common noun.

    1. Common nouns are common names whose first letters are only capitalised when it is at the beginning of a sentence.
     Read More: Common Noun

    3. Abstract Nouns

    1. Ideas, concepts or qualities that cannot be physically seen, touched or even tasted are known as abstract nouns.
    2. Uses of abstract nouns in sentences:

      Knowledge is important.
      In this sentence, knowledge is an abstract noun as we cannot physically see or touch it.

      → I was shocked when the results came out.
      It is not possible for us to touch or see ‘shocked’ thus, it is an abstract noun.

     Read More: Abstract Noun

    4. Collective Nouns

    1. Words that are used to identify a group of people, animals or things are collective nouns.
    2. Usage of collective nouns in sentences:
    3. → She gave me a bouquet of flowers.
      ‘Bouquet ’ is a collective noun as it is a collection of flowers.

      → The herd of cattle crossed the road.
      ‘Herd’ is a collective noun as it indicates a group of cattle.

     Read More: Collective Noun

    5. Material Nouns

    1. Nouns that indicate the substances or material from which different objects are made are known as material nouns.
    2. Usage of material nouns in sentences:
    3. → This wardrobe is made of iron.
      ‘Iron’ is a material from which a wardrobe is made. Thus, ‘iron’ is considered a material noun.

      → Be careful it is made up of glass.
      Glass is a material therefore it is a material noun.
      Material noun indicates materials or substances from which something is produced.

     Read More: Material Noun

    6. Countable Nouns

    1. Nouns that can be quantified and counted as individual units are countable nouns.
    2. Examples of countable nouns are: paper, crayon, wardrobe, balloon, phone, book
    3. Countable nouns used in sentences:

      → Do you have an extra pen?
      Pen is a countable noun as we can easily count it.

      → Jim owns a guitar.
      There is one guitar which means it is a countable noun.

     Read More: Countable Noun

    7. Uncountable Nouns

    1. Nouns that cannot be counted or quantified as individual units are known as uncountable nouns.
    2. Examples of uncountable nouns: water, rice, air, flour, powder, sand, tea, juice, salt
    3. Uncountable nouns used in sentences:

      → Do we have some rice?
      We classify ‘rice’ as an uncountable noun because we are unable to count rice as an individual unit.

      → I am going for a walk to get some fresh air.
      We cannot count air as an individual unit therefore it is an uncountable noun.

     Read More: Uncountable Noun

    8. Singular Nouns

    1. Singular nouns refer to only one person, animal, place or a thing.
    2. Usage of singular nouns in sentences:

      → I adopted a cat from an animal shelter.
      In this sentence, we are talking about only one cat. Hence cat is a singular noun.

      Robert is my best friend.
      We used ‘is’ because ‘Rober’ is a singular noun as it refers to a single person.

     Read More: Singular Noun

    9. Plural Nouns

    1. Plural nouns indicate more than one person, animal, place or object.
    2. Usage of plural nouns in sentences:
    3. → We need more balloons for the party.
      Since there are many balloons it is a plural noun.

      → There are many students in my class.
      ‘Students’ is a plural noun as there are many students.

     Read More: Plural Noun

    10. Gender Nouns

    1. Gender nouns are connected to a specific gender and are always used to describe occupations that are assigned to a specific gender.
    2. Usage of gender nouns in sentences:

      → Robert is the landlord of this flat.
      If the owner of a flat or a house is a male we use landlord.

      → Olivia is the landlady of this apartment.
      All the female owners of an apartment or a house are called landlady.

     Read More: Gender Noun

    More Examples of Nouns

    1. Caleb is the son of Jess.
    2. Can I have three packs of chocolates?
    3. Jake has a large circle of friends.
    4. Please tell me the truth.
    5. This flower vase is made of glass.


    1. What is a noun for class 6?

    Answer: Nouns are words which are used to identify places, animals, things or people. For example: Carol, dog, fox, bird, cup, iron, silver, gold, milk, sugar, juice, etc.

    2. What are the list of various types of nouns?

    Answer: Various types of nouns are:

    1. Proper nouns
    2. Common nouns
    3. Abstract nouns
    4. Collective nouns
    5. Material nouns
    6. Countable nouns
    7. Uncountable nouns
    8. Singular nouns
    9. Plural nouns
    10. Noun Gender

    3. What are the two main classes of nouns and examples?

    Answer: The two main classes of nouns are abstract nouns and concrete nouns. Examples: richness (abstract noun), building (concrete noun), etc.

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