Sources of Energy for Class 10

Table of Content

  • Sources of Energy
  • Fuels
  • Conventional Sources of Energy
  • Alternative Sources of Energy
  • Hydroelectric Energy
  • Wind Energy
  • Solar Energy
  • Geothermal Energy
  • Nuclear Energy
  • FAQs
  • Sources of Energy

    Sources of energy are the various origins or forms from which we derive the power or ability to do work. They provide the fundamental fuel or raw material for powering our daily activities, machines, and devices.
    Some examples of sources of energy are:

    1. Heat Energy: This type of energy is used for cooking and heating. It can be obtained by burning fuels like wood, coal, kerosene, or LPG.
    2. Fuel Energy: Fuels like petrol and diesel power various forms of transportation, including cars, buses, trucks, and trains. Diesel is also used for irrigation in agriculture.
    3. Electrical Energy: Electricity is used for lighting, operating household appliances, running electronic devices, and powering machines in factories.

    Classification of Energy Sources:

    1. Non-Renewable Sources of Energy: These are sources that have accumulated over a very long time and cannot be quickly replaced once exhausted. Examples include fossil fuels (coal, petroleum, natural gas) and nuclear fuels (such as uranium). Non-renewable sources are often referred to as conventional sources of energy.
      When they are depleted, they cannot be easily replenished in nature. Nuclear fuels, while non-renewable, are not considered conventional sources of energy due to their limited availability.
    2. Renewable Sources of Energy: These sources are continuously produced in nature and are inexhaustible. Examples include hydro-energy, wind energy, solar energy, tidal energy, geothermal energy, biomass energy, and hydrogen. Renewable sources are also known as non-conventional or alternative sources of energy.
      They can be used repeatedly without depletion. Since they don't get exhausted, they are considered inexhaustible sources of energy.

    Qualities of a Good Source of Energy:

    A good source of energy possesses specific characteristics:

    1. High Energy Output: It should be capable of producing a significant amount of energy per unit mass or volume.
    2. Affordability and Accessibility: It should be readily available and affordable.
    3. Storage and Transport: It should be easy to store and transport to various locations.
    4. Safety: It must be safe to handle and use, ensuring that it does not pose risks to human health.
    5. Environmental Friendliness: A good source of energy should not contribute to environmental pollution.


    Fuels are substances that can be burned or combusted to release energy in the form of heat. They are a crucial source of energy for various applications in our daily lives, industries, and transportation systems. Fuels serve as a concentrated storehouse of energy, and when they undergo combustion, the chemical energy stored within them is converted into thermal energy, producing heat and often other forms of energy like light or mechanical work.

    Some key points about fuels are:

    1. Energy Source: Fuels are used as an energy source for various purposes, including heating, cooking, generating electricity, and powering vehicles and machinery.
    2. Combustion: The process of burning or combustion involves the chemical reaction between the fuel and oxygen from the air. During this reaction, the fuel molecules break apart, releasing energy in the form of heat and producing combustion products, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O), and other gases.
    3. Types of Fuels: Fuels can be classified into several categories based on their origin and composition:
      Fossil Fuels: These are derived from ancient organic materials buried deep within the Earth's crust and include coal, petroleum (crude oil), and natural gas. Fossil fuels are non-renewable and contribute to environmental issues like air pollution and climate change.
      Biofuels: Biofuels are derived from renewable biological sources, such as crops, agricultural residues, and algae. Common biofuels include biodiesel, ethanol, and biogas.
      Gaseous Fuels: These fuels exist in a gaseous state at room temperature and include natural gas, propane, and hydrogen.
      Solid Fuels: Solid fuels are typically in solid form, like wood, coal, and charcoal.
    4. Calorific Value: The usefulness of a fuel is often measured by its calorific value. Calorific value refers to the amount of heat produced when a unit mass (usually one gram) of the fuel is burned completely. The unit of measurement for calorific value is typically kilojoules per gram (kJ/g). Higher calorific values indicate better fuels because they produce more heat energy per unit mass. For example, charcoal has a calorific value of 33 kJ/g, meaning that burning 1 gram of charcoal releases 33 kilojoules of heat energy.
    5. Ignition Temperature: Before a fuel can burn, it must be heated to a certain minimum temperature known as its ignition temperature. This temperature varies for different fuels and is the point at which the fuel starts to release flammable vapours and ignites when exposed to an open flame or spark.
    6. Environmental Impact: The combustion of fuels, particularly fossil fuels, can have significant environmental impacts. It releases greenhouse gases (e.g., CO2) into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming and climate change. Additionally, the combustion process can produce pollutants that harm air quality and human health.

    Characteristics of a Good Fuel

    The choice of a good fuel is crucial for various applications, whether in domestic use or industrial processes. A good fuel possesses specific characteristics and properties that make it efficient, safe, and environmentally friendly. Here are the key characteristics of an ideal or good fuel:

    1. High Calorific Value: An ideal fuel should have a high calorific value. This means that it should produce a significant amount of heat energy when burned, per unit of mass. A higher calorific value indicates greater energy content and efficiency.
    2. Clean Combustion: A good fuel should burn without emitting smoke or harmful gases. The combustion process should produce benign byproducts like carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapour (H2O). Fuels that produce poisonous gases or particulate matter are considered less desirable.
    3. Proper Ignition Temperature: An ideal fuel should have a suitable ignition temperature. This means that it should not catch fire too easily (low ignition temperature) or require extremely high temperatures for ignition (high ignition temperature). The ignition temperature should be within a safe and manageable range.
    4. Cost-Effectiveness and Availability: The fuel should be affordable and readily available. It should not place a significant financial burden on users, and its supply should be consistent and widespread.
    5. Ease of Handling, Transportation and Storage: Good fuel should be easy to handle without posing safety risks during storage, transportation, or use. It should not be prone to leakage, spillage, or explosions.
    6. Low Residue: After combustion, the fuel should leave behind minimal residue, such as ash. A fuel with a low percentage of non-combustible materials ensures that it burns completely and does not produce excessive waste.
    7. Steady Combustion Rate: The fuel should burn at a moderate and steady rate. Fuels that burn too quickly waste energy, while those that burn too slowly may not serve their intended purpose efficiently.

    To determine which of two fuels is better or more ideal, you can consider these characteristics. For example, comparing two fuels, A and B, if fuel A has a higher calorific value but an extremely low ignition temperature (unsafe), while fuel B has a slightly lower calorific value but a suitable ignition temperature, fuel B would be the better choice due to safety considerations.

    Additionally, assessing the combustion products is crucial. If fuel A produces harmful gases like carbon monoxide (CO) and sulphur dioxide (SO2), making it less environmentally friendly, while fuel B only produces carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapour (H2O), fuel B is the better option.

    Conventional Sources of Energy

    Conventional sources of energy are traditional forms of energy that have been widely used for many years to meet various human needs. These sources of energy have been the backbone of our energy infrastructure, providing power for transportation, electricity generation, heating, and industrial processes. The main conventional sources of energy include fossil fuels, wood, charcoal, coal gas, LPG, etc.

    Fossil Fuels

    Fossil fuels are natural fuels that form deep beneath the Earth's surface from the remains of prehistoric plants and animals. The three primary fossil fuels are coal, petroleum (oil), and natural gas. These fuels have played a central role in meeting our energy needs for centuries. Let's explore how fossil fuels were formed and their significance:

    Formation of Fossil Fuels:

    Plant and Animal Remains: Millions of years ago, plants and animals that lived on Earth died and accumulated in various geological formations.

    1. Burial and Pressure: Over time, these organic remains were buried under layers of sediments, such as mud and sand. The weight of these layers caused immense pressure on the buried organic matter.
    2. Heat and Decomposition: The combination of pressure, heat from the Earth's interior, and the action of bacteria led to the decomposition and transformation of the organic matter. This process is known as "diagenesis" and occurs over millions of years.

    Formation of Fossil Fuels: Depending on the type and size of the organic material, three main types of fossil fuels formed:

    1. Coal: Large deposits of plant matter, such as trees and ferns, were converted into coal.
    2. Petroleum (Oil): Smaller plant materials and marine organisms, like algae and plankton, were transformed into petroleum.
    3. Natural Gas: Natural gas primarily consists of methane and is often found along with petroleum deposits. It originates from the same organic sources but undergoes further processes to become gas.

    Significance of Fossil Fuels: Fossil fuels have been a cornerstone of our energy infrastructure for centuries and have powered various aspects of modern society. They are used for:

    1. Electricity Generation: Fossil fuels, especially coal and natural gas, are burned in power plants to generate electricity.
    2. Transportation: Petroleum-derived fuels, such as gasoline and diesel, power vehicles, aeroplanes, ships, and trains.
    3. Industrial Processes: Many industries rely on fossil fuels for heating, cooling, and various manufacturing processes.

    However, the widespread use of fossil fuels has significant environmental and sustainability challenges, including air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, habitat destruction through mining, and the depletion of finite resources. Due to these concerns, there is a growing emphasis on transitioning to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources, such as renewables (solar, wind, hydro, geothermal) and exploring alternatives to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.

    Types of Fossil Fuels

    1. Coal

    Coal is one of the most well-known fossil fuels and has played a significant role in shaping the modern world. It is a complex mixture of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen compounds, along with some free carbon. Small amounts of nitrogen and sulphur compounds are also present in coal.

    Some key points about coal are:

    1. Formation: Coal is formed from the remains of ancient plants that lived millions of years ago. Over time, these plant remains were buried by sediments, subjected to pressure and heat, and transformed into coal through a process known as diagenesis.
    2. Types of Coal: There are several types of coal, with variations in carbon content and energy content. The major types include lignite (lowest energy content), sub-bituminous, bituminous, and anthracite (highest energy content). Anthracite coal has the highest carbon content and energy value.
    3. Mining: Coal is typically found in deep underground mines, although it can also be mined from surface deposits. The process of coal mining involves extracting coal from the Earth's crust.
    4. Energy Source: Coal is a versatile energy source that can be used directly or converted into other forms of energy:
      Direct Use: It can be burned as a solid fuel in homes, industries, and power plants to produce heat and electricity.
      Conversion: Coal can be converted into various products, including coal gas, electricity, and synthetic fuels like oil (synthetic petrol).
    5. Environmental Impact: While coal is a potent source of energy, its combustion emits carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change. Additionally, burning coal produces pollutants, including sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter, which can harm air quality and human health.
    6. Coke Production: When coal is subjected to destructive distillation (heated strongly in the absence of air), volatile components are removed, and coke is produced. Coke is composed of about 98% carbon and is a cleaner-burning fuel compared to raw coal. It is often used as a reducing agent in metal extraction processes.
    7. Common Uses of Coal:
    • Heating: Coal has historically been used as a heating fuel in homes and industries.
    • Electricity Generation: Coal is a primary fuel source for thermal power plants, where it is burned to produce steam and generate electricity.
    • Coke Production: Coal is used to make coke, a vital material in the steelmaking industry.
    • Fuel Gases: Coal is used in the production of fuel gases like coal gas, which has been historically used for lighting and heating.
    • Synthetic Fuels: Coal can be used as a feedstock to produce synthetic fuels like synthetic natural gas and synthetic petroleum.

    2. Petroleum

    Petroleum is a valuable fossil fuel that has a wide range of applications due to its versatility and energy content.

    Some key points about petroleum are:

    1. Composition: Petroleum is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons, along with small amounts of other carbon compounds containing elements such as oxygen, nitrogen, and sulphur. It is viscous and dark-coloured, with a distinct odour. The word "petroleum" means "rock oil" and is derived from the Latin words "petra" (rock) and "oleum" (oil).
    2. Occurrence: Petroleum is found underground, trapped in rocks beneath the Earth's surface. It exists between two layers of impervious rocks (rocks that do not allow the passage of fluids). Natural gas often occurs above the layer of petroleum.
    3. Extraction: Petroleum is obtained through drilling oil wells into locations where the presence of oil has been predicted through geological surveys. Some wells yield only natural gas, and extensive testing may be required to find profitable oil wells.
    4. Fractional Distillation: Crude petroleum cannot be used directly as a fuel. It needs to be refined through a process called fractional distillation. This process separates crude oil into various fractions based on their boiling points. The primary fractions obtained through this process are petroleum gas, petrol (gasoline), diesel, kerosene, and fuel oil.

    Common Uses of Petroleum-Derived Fuels:

    1. Petroleum Gas (LPG): LPG is a mixture of hydrocarbons, primarily butane, with smaller amounts of propane and ethane. It is used as a clean and efficient fuel for domestic heating and cooking. LPG is stored under pressure in cylinders.
    2. Petrol (Gasoline): Petrol is used as a fuel for various vehicles, including cars, scooters, motorcycles, and light trucks. It is known for its high energy content and efficient combustion properties.
    3. Diesel: Diesel fuel is used in heavy vehicles such as buses, trucks, tractors, and railway engines. It is also employed for water pumps in agriculture and diesel generators for electricity generation.
    4. Kerosene: Kerosene is used as a household fuel for cooking and lighting. It is commonly used in wick stoves and hurricane lamps. Special grades of kerosene are used as aviation fuel in jet aircraft.
    5. Fuel Oil: Fuel oil, often referred to simply as "oil," is used in industrial applications for heating boilers and furnaces. It is also used in thermal power plants for electricity generation. Fuel oil burns cleanly and does not leave behind significant residues.

    Advantages of LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas):

    1. High Calorific Value: LPG has a high calorific value, making it an efficient fuel.
    2. Smokeless Burning: LPG burns with a smokeless flame, reducing air pollution (when used correctly).
    3. Non-Poisonous: LPG does not produce poisonous gases when burned.
    4. Easy Handling: LPG is easy to handle and convenient to store in pressurised cylinders.
    5. Clean Fuel: LPG is considered a clean and neat domestic fuel.

    3. Natural gas

    Natural gas is another vital fossil fuel with several applications due to its combustion properties and energy content.

    Some key points about natural gas are:

    1. Composition: Natural gas primarily consists of methane (CH4), with smaller quantities of ethane and propane. It can contain up to 95% methane, with the remaining portion being ethane and propane. Natural gas is a clean-burning fuel.
    2. Formation: Natural gas is formed deep beneath the Earth's crust through the decomposition of organic matter submerged underwater. Anaerobic bacteria break down this matter in the absence of oxygen.
    3. Occurrence: Natural gas deposits are found beneath the Earth's surface either alone or together with petroleum. Some wells produce only natural gas, while others yield both natural gas and petroleum.


    1. Domestic and Industrial Fuel: Natural gas is used as a fuel for domestic heating and industrial heating applications. It burns efficiently and produces a significant amount of heat.
    2. Electricity Generation: Natural gas is employed as a fuel in thermal power plants to generate electricity.
    3. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG): CNG is increasingly used as a clean and efficient alternative fuel in vehicles, including cars, buses, and trucks. It is known for its lower emissions compared to petrol and diesel.
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    Advantages of Natural Gas:

    1. Complete Fuel: Natural gas can be used directly for heating purposes without the need for additives.
    2. High Calorific Value: Natural gas has a high calorific value, up to 50 kJ/g, making it an efficient fuel.
    3. Clean-Burning: Natural gas burns with a smokeless flame, causing minimal air pollution. It does not produce poisonous gases when burned.
    4. Environmentally Friendly: Natural gas is considered environmentally friendly compared to other fossil fuels due to its lower emissions.
    5. Convenient Supply: Natural gas can be supplied directly from gas wells to homes and industries through underground pipelines, eliminating the need for additional storage and transportation.
    6. Thermal Power Plants: A thermal power plant, also known as a power station or powerhouse, is an installation designed to generate electricity. It operates by burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, or gas) to produce heat. The heat is then used to create steam, which drives turbines connected to generators to produce electricity. The key components include the furnace, boiler, steam turbine, and generator.

    Pollution Caused by Fossil Fuels

    1. Acid Rain: The burning of fossil fuels, especially coal, releases acidic gases like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, leading to acid rain. Acid rain damages vegetation, soil, aquatic ecosystems, and buildings.
    2. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Fossil fuel combustion produces large amounts of carbon dioxide, contributing to the greenhouse effect and global warming.
    3. Air Pollution: Fossil fuel combustion releases pollutants into the air, including carbon monoxide and particulate matter, causing air pollution.
    4. Ash and Fly Ash: Burning coal generates ash and fly ash particles, contributing to air pollution.

    Controlling Pollution

    1. Catalytic Converters: Vehicles burning petroleum fuels can be fitted with catalytic converters to reduce harmful emissions.
    2. Scrubbers: Scrubbers in thermal power plants and factories wash down smoke and acidic gases with water before they reach the chimney, reducing pollution.
    3. Electrostatic Precipitators: These devices in chimneys trap unburnt carbon particles and fly ash, preventing their release into the air.

    Alternative Sources of Energy

    Alternative sources of energy, also known as non-conventional sources of energy, are those energy sources that do not rely on the burning of fossil fuels or the nuclear fission of atoms. These sources of energy are considered more sustainable and environmentally friendly compared to conventional fossil fuels and nuclear energy. They are vital for addressing energy sustainability and reducing the negative impacts of pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Some alternative sources of energy are:
    Hydroelectric energy, wind energy, solar energy, biomass energy, tidal energy, sea-wave energy, ocean thermal energy, and geothermal energy

    The growing interest in alternative sources of energy is driven by several factors, including the finite nature of fossil fuels, concerns about climate change, and the need to reduce air and water pollution. These alternative sources offer sustainable and cleaner alternatives to conventional energy sources, helping to mitigate environmental impacts and promote energy security.

    Hydroelectric Energy

    Hydroelectric energy, also known as hydroelectric power or hydropower, is a form of renewable energy that harnesses the kinetic energy of flowing water to generate electricity. This energy source has been used for centuries, primarily through waterwheels and watermills, to perform mechanical work such as grinding grain. However, modern hydroelectric power plants have significantly improved the efficiency and scale of electricity generation using the energy of falling or flowing water.

    Working of a Hydroelectric Power Plant

    1. Dam Construction: In a hilly or mountainous area, a high-rise dam is constructed across a river or waterway. The dam creates a large reservoir or artificial lake behind it. The potential energy of the water is stored in this reservoir due to its elevation above the turbine.
    2. Water Release: The dam has sluice gates or control mechanisms that allow operators to release water from the reservoir when electricity generation is required. This released water flows downward, gaining kinetic energy as it descends due to gravity.
    3. Turbine Operation: The fast-flowing water is directed towards a water turbine at the base of the dam. The force of the flowing water drives the turbine blades, causing the turbine to rotate. Turbines are designed to efficiently convert the kinetic energy of water into mechanical energy.
    4. Generator Generation: The rotating turbine is connected to a generator through a shaft. As the turbine spins, it drives the generator's rotor, which is located inside a magnetic field. This relative motion between the rotor and the magnetic field induces electrical currents in the generator's coils, producing electricity.
    5. Electricity Transmission: The generated electricity is typically converted to high-voltage alternating current (AC) for efficient long-distance transmission. Transformers step up the voltage to minimise energy losses during transmission. The electricity is then sent through power lines to homes, businesses, and industries for use.
    6. Working of a Hydro Power Plant - CREST Olympiads

    Challenges and environmental concerns associated with hydroelectric power include:

    1. Environmental Impact: The construction of large dams and reservoirs can have significant environmental impacts, including habitat destruction, altered ecosystems, and displacement of communities.
    2. Limited Locations: Hydroelectric plants are location-dependent and can only be built in regions with suitable topography and water resources.
    3. Maintenance and Safety: Dams and associated infrastructure require regular maintenance and pose safety risks if not properly managed.

    Wind Energy

    Wind energy is a form of renewable energy that harnesses the kinetic energy of moving air, or wind, to generate electricity. Wind energy is considered one of the cleanest and most sustainable sources of electricity production.

    Generation of Energy from Wind

    1. Wind Turbines: Wind energy is captured using wind turbines, also known as windmills or wind generators. These turbines consist of large blades mounted on a tower. The blades are designed to capture the kinetic energy of the wind.
    2. Wind Movement: As the wind blows, it causes the turbine blades to rotate. The kinetic energy of the moving air is transferred to the spinning blades, creating mechanical energy.
    3. Generator Operation: The mechanical energy generated by the spinning blades is then transferred to an electric generator through a shaft. The generator converts this mechanical energy into electrical energy, producing electricity.
    4. Electricity Transmission: The electricity generated by the wind turbine is typically converted to a usable form and sent to the electrical grid for distribution to homes, businesses, and industries.
    5. Wind Powered Electric Generator - CREST Olympiads

    Challenges and limitations associated with wind energy include:

    1. Location-Dependent: Wind farms must be situated in areas with consistent and strong winds. This often requires specific geographical locations, such as coastal regions or open plains.
    2. Visual and Environmental Impact: Large-scale wind farms can have visual and environmental impacts, including landscape changes and potential effects on local wildlife.
    3. Infrastructure and Costs: Establishing wind farms, including the construction of turbines and related infrastructure, can be expensive and require significant investment.

    Solar Energy

    Solar energy is the energy harnessed from the sun's radiation. It is a renewable and sustainable source of power that can be used for various purposes, including generating electricity, providing heat, and powering devices. Solar energy is abundant, clean, and environmentally friendly, making it an essential component of efforts to transition to more sustainable energy sources.

    Some key Aspects of Solar Energy:

    1. Solar Radiation: The sun continuously emits vast amounts of energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation, including visible light, ultraviolet (UV) light, and infrared (IR) radiation. This radiation travels through space and reaches the Earth's surface.
    2. Solar Energy Collection: Solar energy is collected and converted into useful forms of energy through various technologies. The most common methods for harnessing solar energy include photovoltaic (PV) cells, solar thermal systems, and solar collectors.
    3. Applications: Solar energy can be used for a wide range of applications, including:
    • Generating electricity for homes, businesses, and utility-scale power plants.
    • Providing power for remote and off-grid locations, such as rural communities and satellites.
    • Heating water for residential and commercial use.
    • Cooking food using solar cookers.
    • Charging batteries for portable electronic devices, like smartphones and laptops.

    Advantages of Solar Energy:

    1. Renewable: Solar energy is a virtually inexhaustible resource, as long as the sun continues to shine.
    2. Clean and Environmentally Friendly: Solar energy pro

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