Green Warrior Olympiad Preparation Material for Class 9

Green Warrior Olympiad Preparation Material for Class 9

Clean Water and Sanitation

  • Water Sources and Quality
  • Sanitation and Hygiene
  • Waterborne Diseases
  • Water Conservation and Efficiency
  • Emerging Technologies for Clean Water
  • Water and the Environment
  • Water Pollution and Treatment

Affordable and Clean Energy

  • Clean Energy
  • Fossil fuels and their Consequences
  • Alternative Energy Sources
  • Energy Conservation and Efficiency

Sustainable Cities and Communities

  • Water Management
  • Sustainable Waste Management
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Effects of Urbanisation and Sustainable Urbanisation

Responsible Consumption and Production

  • Responsible Technology Consumption
  • The 5 r's
  • Reducing Energy Consumption in daily life
  • Making Sustainable Purchasing Decisions

Climate Action

  • Introduction to Climate Change
  • Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming
  • Impacts of Climate Change
  • Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies
  • Climate Change Solutions at the Individual Level

Life Below Water

  • Preserving Life Below Water
  • Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture
  • Threats to Life Underwater

Life On Land

  • Terrestrial Ecosystems
  • Forest Ecosystems and their Importance

Food Security and Agriculture

  • Food Choices and Sustainable Eating
  • Food Waste Reduction
  • Sustainable Agriculture and Land Use
  • Promoting Farming Systems
  • Improving Supply Chains to Reduce Post-Harvest Food Losses
  • Implementing Resilient Agricultural Practices