
Numbers - Class KG

Numbers are special symbols that represent quantities. When you count your candies or toys, you are actually using numbers to figure out how many you have. Numbers help us compare things and tell us if something is more or less.

  • Numbers
  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Before, After and Between Numbers
  • Skip Counting
  • Solved Questions on Numbers
  • Numbers

    Numbers are like building blocks in math. We use them to count, measure and see how things compare to each other.

    Counting using fingers

    There are four basic math operations. We can do operations on numbers such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


    The addition is like putting things together. When you add, you are combining numbers to find a total. It is when we take two or more numbers and combine them.
    It is represented using the ‘+’ symbol.


    If we add 4 and 3, we count using fingers to get a result of 7.

    Addition using fingers

    Imagine you have 4 biscuits in one jar and 3 biscuits in a different jar. How many biscuits do you have in total when you put them all together?

    Example of Addition for kg grade

    Addition: 4 + 3 = 7

    Hence, there are 7 biscuits altogether.

    Suppose you have 8 apples on one branch and 6 apples on another branch. How many apples do you have in total when you put them all together?

    Example of Addition for kids

    Hence, there are 14 apples in total.

    If there are 5 monkeys in one group and 6 monkeys in another group. How many monkeys are there in total when they are all together?

    Addition question for kg

    Addition: 5 + 6 = 11

    Hence, there are 11 monkeys.


    Subtraction is like removing things which means taking away. It is the opposite of adding. When we subtract, we take the smaller number away from the larger number.
    It is represented using the ‘−’ symbol.


    Suppose you have 5 chocolates and you decide to give 3 chocolates to your younger brother. How many chocolates do you still have?

    Example of subtraction for kg grade

    Hence, he still has 2 chocolates.

    If you have 9 ice-creams and you decide to give 4 ice-creams to your best friends. How many ice-creams do you still have?

    Subtraction for kg grade

    Hence, he still has 5 ice-creams.

    Imagine you have 10 bowls and 4 bowls are broken. How many bowls are still left?

    Subtraction question for kg grade

    Subtraction: 10 − 4 = 6

    Hence, there are 6 bowls still left.

    Number Names 1 to 50

    Number Names for 1 to 50 - Spelling, Numbers in words 1 to 50

    Before, After and Between Numbers

    Before Number: It is like taking one step back in a counting order. This number is smaller in value than the given number.

    After Number: It is like taking one step forward in a counting order. This number is greater in value than the given number.

    Between Number: It is like finding the middle number between two numbers.


    7 is the before number, 8 is the between number and 9 is the after number.

    Explanation of Before, After and Between Numbers for kg grade

    9 is the before number, 10 is the between number and 11 is the after number.

    Example of Before, Between and After Number

    16 is the before number, 17 is the between number and 18 is the after number.

    Before, After and Between Number for kg grade

    Skip Counting

    Skip counting is a way to count numbers by adding a specific number each time to the number you had before. So, we are kind of skipping numbers in between.

    Skip Counting by 2

    Skip counting by 2 means that we are going to practice jumping by two which means we will add two each time and write down the numbers as we go.

    Skip counting by 2 for kg grade

    Example of Skip counting by 2:

    Example of Skip counting by 2

    This can be explained as

    Explanation of Skip counting by 2

    Skip Counting by 5

    Skip counting by 5 means that we are going to practice jumping by five which means we will add five each time and write down the numbers as we go.

    Skip counting by 5 for kg grade

    Example of Skip counting by 5:

    Example of Skip counting by 5 for kg grade

    This can be explained as:

    Explanation of Skip counting by 5

    Example of Before, After and Between Numbers

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