3R's - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

3R's - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle - Class 1 & 2

  • The Greenville Adventure
  • Questions for Practice on "3 Rs" - reduce, reuse, recycle
  • The Greenville Adventure

    In the heart of Greenville, a town filled with laughter and joy lived three friends: Lily, Leo, and Lenny. Every day after school, they would meet at their secret hideout under the big oak tree.

    One sunny afternoon, while playing hopscotch, Lily noticed something. "Look at all this trash scattered around! Our beautiful Greenville is turning into a messy place!" Leo, always the curious one, asked, "Why do people throw away so much stuff?"

    Lenny, trying to remember something he'd overheard, said, "I think it's because they don't know about the 3Rs. My parents talk about it all the time!" "The 3Rs? What's that?" Lily inquired.


    Kids, do you know the meaning of 3Rs?


    Lenny explained, "It's about reducing waste, reusing things, and recycling! Reduce means to cut back on the trash we generate. Reuse means finding new ways to use things that otherwise would have been thrown out. Recycle means to turn something old and useless into something new and useful." Lily asked, "How can we do that?" Lenny answered, "Very simple, to reduce, we can turn off electricity when bulbs or fans are not in use, turn off taps while brushing or whenever we don't require water or buy groceries in bulk to reduce packaging. For reusing, we should use both sides of the paper, we can use empty cups of yoghurt as small containers for storing items or we can share or donate clothes, toys or books we don't want to use anymore." "Or we can sort paper, plastic and glass into recycling bins and make art using cardboard or an organiser for pins using empty egg cartons," added Leo. "Yes, exactly," said Lenny.


    The friends decided to start with the first 'R'- Reduce. As they walked through the town, they noticed shops selling huge packs of individually wrapped pencils and little tetra packs of juice. Lily said, "Imagine if everyone would be aware of what they are buying and make eco-friendly choices." Leo nodded, "That would mean less waste and more happiness!"

    Next on their journey was 'Reuse'. Lenny found an old shoebox near the park. "Why not make this shoebox into something fun?" Lily suggested.

    Kids, can you tell how a shoebox can be reused?


    They decorated it with colourful papers and turned it into a treasure chest. "Now, instead of being rubbish, it's our treasure keeper!" Lenny exclaimed with glee.


    As the sun began to set, they reached the town square. There, Lenny showed them a special bin, shining and blue. "This is where bottles go to become new things!" Leo was amazed. "So old bottles become new toys?" Lenny giggled, "Yes, and much more!"

    That evening, under the twinkling stars, the three friends gathered all of Greenville's young ones and shared their 3Rs quest. They sang songs about reducing waste, showed off their shoebox treasure chest, and even played a fun game where everyone sorted items into 'Reduce', 'Reuse', or 'Recycle'.


    By the end of the night, Greenville was buzzing with excitement. Everyone wanted to be a part of the 3Rs quest, making a promise to keep their town clean and happy. As Lily, Leo, and Lenny hugged each other, they knew they had started something special. With the 3Rs in their hearts, Greenville would always be the brightest, cleanest town in all the land.

    And so, dear kids, the tale of Lily, Leo and Lenny teaches us the magic of the 3Rs. Just like them, let's all be guardians of our planet and cherish the beautiful world we call home.

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