CREST Mental Maths Olympiad (CMMO) - Cut-off

Cut-off criteria for CREST Mental Maths Olympiad (CMMO) for classes 1-12 is provided on this page. You may also check the Cut-off and Rankings criteria for the Level 1 and Level 2 of various CREST Olympiads exams.

Class Level 2 Medals Merit Certificate Honourable Mention
1 60.0% 60.0% - -
10 15.5% 86.0% 65.5% 31.0%
11 21.3% 89.0% 71.0% 40.0%
12 25.7% 87.0% 68.0% 35.0%
2 70.0% 86.0% 65.5% 30.0%
3 45.0% 86.2% 66.0% 32.0%
4 45.0% 86.5% 65.5% 31.0%
5 22.0% 83.5% 62.0% 26.0%
6 26.5% 88.0% 70.0% 40.0%
7 15.4% 82.0% 60.5% 22.0%
8 18.8% 85.0% 63.2% 26.0%
9 14.3% 83.0% 59.0% 20.0%

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* The prizes and certificates for all the classes will be dispatched after the Level 2 exams are over.

** Cut-offs for Medals for the following are based on Level 1 exams:

  • Classes 2-10 for CCO and CRO
  • Class 2 for CMO, CSO and CEO
  • Classes 2-8 for CSBW

** Cut-offs for Medals for the following are based on Level 2 exams. Also, Merit or Honourable Certificate will be awarded to the students who are not in the bottom 10%.

  • Classes 3-10 for CMO, CSO and CEO
  • Classes 2-8 for CSB
  • Classes 2-12 for CEMMO and IGWO

For classes KG and 1 all subjects, the students who achieve more than 60% will be awarded a Merit Certificate and Medal.

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