Sustainable Transportation

Questions for Practice on Sustainable transportation

1. Which of the following is a part of sustainable transportation? In the story, different eco-friendly transportation are mentioned which do not cause any pollution. Which one of the following is an eco-friendly transportation?

a) image

b) image

c) image

d) image

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Answer: a

Explanation: A bicycle can be called an eco-friendly means of transport as it doesn't use oil or gas.

2. During a school trip to the city, Tim and his classmates saw various vehicles moving around. Their teacher explained the different types of transportation available in the city.

Which of the following can be called public transport?

a) image

b) image

c) image

d) image

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Answer: d

Explanation: A bus is a public transport as it carries many people together.

3. How does public transport help in reducing pollution?

a) It doesn't need oil or gas
b) Carries many people together thus reducing the need for more vehicles
c) Doesn't create smoke
d) Can run on water

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Answer: b) Carries many people together thus reducing the need for more vehicles

Explanation: Public transport carries many people together hence reducing the number of vehicles on the road.

4. There are vehicles called "Electric Vehicles" that do not run on petrol and diesel. Which of the following is an electric vehicle?

a) image

b) image

c) image

d) image

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Answer: a

Explanation: the image is of an electric car as it is using charge.

5. Which of the following does an electric car use to run?

a) image

b) image

c) image

d) image

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Answer: a

Explanation: Electric car uses charge from electricity or batteries to run.

6. During an environmental awareness session at school, Tim and his classmates discussed different ways of travelling. How does eco-friendly transportation choice help us?

a) Reduces population

b) Uses more oil

c) Reduces the pollution

d) Saves more water

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Answer: c) Reduces the pollution

Explanation: Eco-friendly transportation helps reduce pollution.

7. Tom wants to visit his friend's house nearby. He thinks about different ways to travel there. Which way should Tom not choose to go to his nearby friend's home?

a) image

b) image

c) image

d) image

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Answer: d

Explanation: We should avoid using transport which runs on oil or gas to travel short distances.

8. In the story, one vehicle is mentioned to use less energy as compared to other vehicles. Identify that vehicle.

a) image

b) image

c) image

d) image

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Answer: c

Explanation: Scooter as compared to other vehicles that run on oil, uses less energy.

9. Why is it good to walk to nearby places?


a) Because it's slow
b) Because it uses a lot of energy
c) Because it's healthy and helps the environment
d) Because it makes a lot of noise

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Answer: c) Because it's healthy and helps the environment

Explanation: Walking is good for health and also for the environment, as it doesn't produce any pollution.

10. Jack loves riding his bicycle in the park. Which of these helps his bicycle move from one place to another?

a) Gas

b) Electric charge

c) Pedalling

d) Solar energy

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Answer: c) Pedalling

Explanation: The bicycle uses the force of pedalling to run itself.

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