Sources of Water

Sources of Water - Class 1 & 2

  • Amazing Adventure- Discovering the Secrets of Water Sources
  • Questions for Practice on Water Sources
  • Amazing Adventure- Discovering the Secrets of Water Sources

    Once upon a time, there was a town, there lived three friends- Emma, Oliver, and Lily. On a sunny day as they were playing by the sparkling river, a question came into their young minds-" Where does our water come from?" Soon they became very curious and they went to an elderly person in the town whom everybody referred to as Grandpa.


    Grandpa with a twinkle in his wise eyes, shared the tale of raindrops. Grandpa explained, "Water comes to us in the form of raindrops falling from the sky, it's like nature's way of sending a gift to the earth".

    Children, what do you think happens when raindrops fall from the sky?


    Before the kids could say anything, Grandpa continued, after falling from the sky these raindrops join together to form streams. These streams travel through land, creating rivers that flow beautifully.


    The trio now filled with excitement, set out to follow the adventurous path of the raindrops.

    The journey led them to a river that was flowing at high speed and was glistening. Butterflies danced and birds chirped as they explored the banks of the river." Rivers are like nature's highway for water. They carry it from one place to another, bringing life to plants and animals", said Emma with a sparkle in her eye.

    Kids, can you tell what animals live underwater?


    As the kids looked, Lily shouted "Fish"! "Yes, fish along with many other animals like turtles, octopuses, crabs, sharks, and dolphins, call rivers their homes nodded Grandpa.


    Grandpa continued "Kids River is not the only source of water, there are other sources as well, let me take you to another source of water called the lake".

    Now together they went to a peaceful lake surrounded by long trees. There they saw ducks gliding gracefully on the water. Lakes are like giant mirrors, reflecting the beauty of the world around them, providing a home for various water-loving creatures," shared Oliver.

    Kids, besides ducks, can you think of another water-loving creature that might live in the lake?


    The children thought for a moment, and then Lily answered, "Frogs". "Very good", said Grandpa, "Frogs love the peaceful water of lakes. Now you're becoming true water explorers", praised Grandpa.


    In Emma's head popped a question: what's the difference between rivers and lakes? She asked the same to Grandpa. Grandpa explained, "See while rivers flow, lakes stand still and rivers connect to the oceans but lakes are surrounded by land on all sides." Children became happy and smiled as their minds were filled with new information.

    Kids, can you name more sources of water?


    A thought popped up in Oliver's mind also, he asked, Grandpa aren't rains also sources of water. Grandpa said," Good question dear Oliver, yes rainfall is also another source of water. Not only that but groundwater and wells are also important sources of water. We can count snow or ice from icebergs of the ocean as sources of water as well because as they melt they turn into water only." Lily said," Grandpa isn't it great that we have so many sources of water". Grandpa replied "Yes Lily it's good to have so many sources of water and it's our duty to use them carefully and we should protect them.


    After gaining so much knowledge, the kids bid goodbye to the Grandpa and went to their teacher, Mrs. Max's home to learn about the importance of protecting water sources.

    Kids, why do you think it's important to protect our water sources?


    Mrs. Max lived near a beautiful waterfall, when the kids asked the same question to the teacher, Mrs. Max replied, "Protecting water sources ensures that we always have clean and healthy water to drink. It's like taking care of treasure that gives life to everything around".


    Tell us some ways by which we can protect our treasure teacher, asked little Oliver, the teacher smiled and replied, "We can protect and save water by simple measures like, disposing of waste properly, taking shorter baths, joining in beach clean up and using a bucket to collect rainwater for plants".

    Now, the kids were tired and they also had to go home to complete their schoolwork so they thought of ending their expedition at this point. Their journey ended with a grand celebration at the waterfall. Emma, Oliver and Lily danced with animals under the cascading water, showing the friendship between nature and the community.


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