Surface Area of Cuboid

Surface Area of Cuboid - Sub Topics

  • Cuboid
  • Surface Area of a Cuboid
  • Total Surface Area of a Cuboid
  • Lateral Surface Area of a Cuboid
  • Cuboid

    A cuboid is a three-dimensional geometric shape formed by extending a two-dimensional rectangle in one direction. The 6 rectangles used to form a cuboid geometric shape are aligned at right angles to each other.


    Vertices, Edges and Faces of a Cuboid

    It has 12 edges.
    It has 8 vertices
    It has 6 faces.


    Surface Area of a Cuboid


    The surface area of a cuboid is the total area covered by all of its surfaces, and since the cuboid is the 3-D form of a rectangle, therefore, along with length and breadth, the height of the cuboid is also involved in finding the surface area.

    Formula of Surface Area of Cuboid

    A cuboid has two kinds of surface area. They are:
    1. Total surface area of a cuboid
    2. Lateral or curved surface area of a cuboid

    Total Surface Area of a Cuboid

    The total surface area of a cuboid is the area of all 6 rectangular faces of the cuboid.

    Formula of Total Surface Area of a Cuboid

    Total Surface Area = 2(lw + wh + hl)

    l = Length of the cuboid
    w = Width of the cuboid
    h = Height of the cuboid

    Lateral Surface Area (LSA) or Curved Surface Area (CSA) of a Cuboid

    The lateral/Curved surface area of a cuboid is the sum of the area of all the faces of the cuboid except the top and bottom faces (the base and the lid). It is the area of the four walls of the cuboid.

    Formula of Lateral Surface Area of a Cuboid


    Lateral/Curved Surface Area of Cuboid = 2lh + 2wh = 2h(l + w)

    l = Length of the cuboid
    w = Width of the cuboid
    h = Height of the cuboid

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