Different Ways to Keep Water Clean

Keeping Water Clean - Class 1 & 2

  • Adventures in Keeping Water Clean
  • Questions for Practice on Keeping Water Clean
  • Adventures in Keeping Water Clean

    Once upon a time, in a cosy neighbourhood, Lily, Max, and Sam gathered by the riverbank, watching sadly as litter floated along the water's surface. Lily sighed, "Our beautiful river doesn't look happy today." Max nodded, "We need to do something about it." Sam, always full of ideas, suggested, "Why don't we become guardians of the river? We can keep it clean and make sure it stays happy."


    Kids, can you tell us some ways by which we can keep our water sources clean?


    Excited by the idea, the friends began brainstorming ways to achieve their mission.

    Lily shared, "Firstly, we should all make sure never to throw rubbish into water. Let's be mindful of that". Max added, But what if others do it?"


    Sam, with a determined look, replied, That's where we come in. We can educate our friends and neighbours about using bins and not littering. We'll make it a fun thing for everyone to learn".


    Kids, can you suggest some more ways of keeping our water clean?

    As they continued their discussion, more ideas emerged like Trash Pickers, Max remembered, "I read about these creatures called Trash pickers. They love collecting litter. What if we pretend to be trash pickers and clean up the rubbish near the river?"

    Lily said, "That's a fantastic idea! We can make it like a game, and at the same time, we'll be helping the river."

    Sam shared, I heard about Water Guardians who protect rivers. Maybe we can be Water Guardians to ensure we use water responsibly."

    Max asked, "What does being a Water Guardian mean?"

    Lily explained, "It means not wasting water and only using what we need. Like taking quick showers, turning off the tap while brushing our teeth, using less water while gardening or car washing, installing a water-saving toilet flush system and closing taps properly.

    Eager to put their ideas into action, the friends decided to organize a community event to share their knowledge with others. They wanted to make it a collective effort.

    Words spread, and soon, a group of children joined them. Together, they became a team of Warter Guardians, cleaning up the area around the river. They wore imaginative costumes, pretending to be magical Trash Pickers they had envisioned.


    Their efforts made a significant impact, and the river began to sparkle with happiness once more. The friends celebrated their success with a picnic by the now-clean riverbank.

    And so, in this tale of friendship and community, Lily, Max, and Sam proved that by working together, even simple actions could create many positive changes.

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