Introduction to Clean Water

Introduction to Clean Water - Class 1 & 2

  • Clean Water - A Magical Potion
  • Questions for Practice on Clean Water
  • Clean Water - A Magical Potion

    Once upon a time in a beautiful village, water was not just a liquid but life itself. In this village, water was like a magical potion that flowed through rivers and looked sparkling when it flowed at full speed. It was clean, pure, and transparent like a crystal. Water while dancing had made its marks on the rocks and provided nutrition to the old trees. But slowly-slowly with the passage of time the number of people increased in the village and as the village started modernising, the river started getting dirtier.


    Villagers used to gather by the riverbank and elders used to share tales of a time when water was pure and clean. The village elders told them that clean water wasn't just a necessity but an essence of their well-being.

    Drinking dirty water can cause several health problems in children and adults such as vomiting, stomach ache, and diarrhoea. Dirty water can not be used for showering, cleaning, and cooking. Hence, clean water was important for their well-being.



    What do you think happens when we drink dirty water?

    The villagers realised that clean water wasn't just a physical need but a potion that nourished their spirits. It brought good health to not only them but also to the beautiful colourful fishes of the river, villagers' pets, and the trees.

    One fine day as the children played alongside the river, elders gathered them and asked them about the importance of preserving water sources and introducing basic hygiene practices that would ensure the cleanliness of their beloved liquid treasure.



    Can you name one simple practice that we can do to keep our water clean?

    Kids eagerly shared their thoughts. Some suggested using clean vessels to store water, while others mentioned washing hands with clean water before eating food. The elders smiled and became happy by looking at the wisdom of innocent minds.


    In the village school, workshops became a norm, children engaged in interactive sessions, and lively discussions, learning the importance of hygiene and water conservation through games and stories. These sessions not only educated children but also instilled a sense of responsibility in them.They realised that every drop of water was a treasure.


    The villagers inspired by the teachings of their elders, began constructing wells with filters. These filters ensured that every drop of water that they drank was pure. Elders also taught kids not to dump wrappers of chocolates and other snacks in the river.



    How do you think we can use water responsibly in our daily lives?

    Villagers started to turn off taps when not in use, fixing leaks promptly, and collecting rainwater. These practices slowly became habits. Everyone now shared their thoughts on the importance of clean water.

    Villagers were happy and joyful as their rivers continued to flow and sparkle. Villagers passed down the tale of their journey of making their water clean again to future generations. The wisdom of their journey lived on, ensuring that the liquid lifeline remained pure and unspoiled for all time.


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