Simple Ways to Save Energy at Home

Simple Ways to Save Energy at Home - Class 1 & 2

  • The Energy Adventure- How To Save Energy At Home!
  • Questions for Practice on Save Energy
  • The Energy Adventure- How To Save Energy At Home!

    Once upon a time, in a little town, there was a magical house where the walls could talk and the lights loved to play hide and seek. The house belonged to two friends, Tim and Sophie. One sunny day, they decided to go on an exciting adventure to learn how to save energy at home.


    Tim and Sophie entered their cosy living room, and to their surprise, the lights were flickering like fireflies. "Oh no, what's happening?" gasped Tim.


    Kids, can you suggest what Tim and Sophie should do in order to stop the flickering of lights?

    Sophie suggested, "We should turn off the lights when we leave a room. Just like magic, the lights will take a little nap until we come back.

    In the kitchen, Tim and Sophie found some appliances playing tricks. The toaster was plugged in, but no one was making toast. "Hmm", wondered Tim, "Why waste energy if we're not using them?" Sophie inquired, "What can we do to save energy with appliances in our kitchen?" Tim replied, "Easy peasy! Unplug appliances when you're not using them. This way, the appliances won't use any extra energy when they're not needed.



    Sophie and Tim went into the garden. Venturing into the garden, their eyes fell on the windows. "Let's talk about our windows, Sophie," suggested Tim. "They're like our house's eyes, but sometimes they let too much air sneak in".

    Kids, can you tell how can you keep your house cosy through windows?


    "We should keep our windows closed when it's cold outside, and use curtains to keep warmth in. And when it's hot, open windows to let in cool breezes. It's like giving your house a warm or cool hug!" Added Tim.


    Suddenly Tim and Sophie heard a mysterious sound- a drip, drip, drip. "Oh no, we have a leak!" cried Sophie. "Leaks waste water and water needs the energy to get to our homes!"

    "We've got to fix leaks, that would help us to save water and the energy needed to bring water to our house," said Tim. The duo fixed the leak.


    And so, Tim and Sophie concluded their magical adventure, knowing that by saving energy, they were helping the planet and keeping their home happy and healthy.

    They also gathered their other friends and told them, "Saving energy is like a superpower that everyone can have. So, what are you waiting for? Join us on our energy-saving adventure and make our home a magical and eco-friendly place!"

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