Clean Water at Home

Clean Water at Home - Class 1 & 2

  • Discovering clean water
  • Questions for Practice Clean Water at Home
  • Discovering clean water

    Once upon a time in a little town, there were two best friends named Alex and Emma. They loved playing outside, going on adventures, and most importantly, staying healthy. One day, they discovered the magic of clean water and wanted to share their knowledge with other kids their age.


    Alex and Emma knew that having clean water at home was super important for staying healthy. So, they decided to go on a journey to find out how they could get clean water right in their own homes.


    Kids, can you tell the benefits of drinking clean water?

    "Why do we need clean water, Emma?" asked Alex as they started their journey. Emma thought for a moment and replied, "Well, Alex, clean water keeps us strong and healthy. It helps our bodies grow, keeps us hydrated, and makes sure we don't get sick from germs in the water." "Exactly!" exclaimed Alex. "But how do we make sure the water at home is clean?"

    As Alex and Emma continued their adventure, they met a wise wizard who told them about the magical tool called water filter. The water filter, the wizard explained, acts like a superhero, trapping all the tiny invisible villains in the water and making it clean for us to drink. "Imagine the water filter as a brave knight standing guard at the castle gate, keeping out all the bad guys!" said Emma. "But how does the water filter work?" wondered Alex.


    The water wizard continued, "Inside the water filter, there are tiny particles that catch the bad stuff in the water, just like a net catching butterflies in the air. And then, the water that comes out is clean and safe for us to drink!" "Another way to get clean water at home is boiling. By boiling water, we can purify water easily."

    Kids, can you tell some basic hygiene practices that we should follow while using water at home?


    As Alex and Emma continued their adventure, they realized that having clean water was not just about drinking. It was also about keeping everything clean around the house. They learned some fantastic hygiene practices to make sure water stays a superhero in every aspect of our lives like washing hands frequently with soap and water, using a clean container to keep all household water clean, using a proper lid to cover containers to stop mosquitos and dirt from entering.

    "Hey, Emma, why do we need to wash our hands with soap and water?" asked Alex. Emma explained, "Washing our hands is like giving them a bubble bath. It helps wash away all the tiny germs that make us sick.


    So, every time we come back from playing, go to the washroom or before we eat, it's the hand-washing time!" "And what about the dishes and fruits and vegetables?" wondered Alex. "Ah, good question!" said Emma. "When we wash our dishes or fruits or vegetables, we're not just making them shiny. We're also saying bye-bye to any germs that might be hiding there. So, washing them is like giving them a superhero shower!"


    As Alex and Emma reached the end of their adventure, they realized the importance of clean water at home. They learned that water filters are like superheroes, keeping our water clean and safe to drink. They also discovered the magic of hygiene practices, making sure that clean water remains a superhero in every part of our lives.

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